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What if you don't have 2 science LORs??

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I, unfortunately, really poorly planned my schedule and still have most of my science pre reqs left. My physics prof said he'd love to write one for me, but my chem class is 500 students, and the prof isn't too welcoming let alone willing to write a LOR for me. So I'm just wondering...I know that most schools require 2 science LORs, but what if you don't?

Would they not even read my application?



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Sounds like trouble...some schools may be a little more forgiving (ie Jeff as some of us know) as to the LOR requirements; however, schools will probably want science LOR if they ask for it. Just like the sGPA has relevant meaning, so would a science LOR. It is likely a confirmation that you can truly do science coursework and have a thinking style cohesive to science.


Because you are also not out of school for a few years, you won't be able to get any leeway.

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The LOR doesn't have to be from a pre req science prof. It can actually be from any science prof. Have you taken any other science courses that aren't necessarily pre-reqs (lower level interest science classes)? Or have you spent any time in a basic science or clinical research lab? Any prof you work for in these labs will be counted as a "science" prof by most schools.

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it really depends.... schools can be flexible in regards to their LOR requirements, but some definitely aren't (i.e. NYMC, SUNY Upstate, Mount Sinai). To be absolutely sure, just email them.


I wasn't able to fulfil the 2 science LOR requirement either and I did get in. But I don't know if they counted my LOR's engineering profs as "science" LOR's per se or not.


But do your best to get LOR's from any science profs if you can. It may not be an issue if you have killer stats, but if you are around the average then it could bring you down in the eyes of the admissions committees in some cases.

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I never checked with individual schools (just applied and hoped for the best), but I used a math prof's letter as one of my science letters. Either lots of schools were flexible with the requirement, or they accepted math as a science. So a math prof might be a last-resort option for you if you absolutely can't get a chem/bio letter.

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I, unfortunately, really poorly planned my schedule and still have most of my science pre reqs left. My physics prof said he'd love to write one for me, but my chem class is 500 students, and the prof isn't too welcoming let alone willing to write a LOR for me. So I'm just wondering...I know that most schools require 2 science LORs, but what if you don't?

Would they not even read my application?




Jesus that sucks. I just started researching the US process and I haven't taken a science course in 7 years. Guess I'll be looking at the rare schools that don't ask for this. I'm surprised that there is that much emphasis on science LORs - not sure why grades can't speak to your ability or the MCAT. Seems like a load......

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Thanks for all the helpful advice guys!! I just emailed my human phys prof from last semester to ask for an appointment. I wasn't goig to ask her because she told me I had no chance of being accepted (she used to be on the board of admissions at U of T). Pretty harsh eh? But after I told her I was applying to US, she said there's maybe a chance!! So needless to say, that's why I wasn't going to ask her. I ended up getting an A in the course, and after reading all your posts I thought I should at least try my luck to see what she says.


Here's hoping **crossing fingers**

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You could always add supplemental letters (i.e. from non-science profs) to offset a required "mediocre" science letter.


But have you actually tried meeting with your science profs to discuss the situation. Even if they don't know you, some may agree to write a letter - especially if you come prepared with a CV or something that they can use to write the letter.

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