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Invites are out!

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Rejected this afternoon.


wGPA = 3.87


I thought my ECs were good. They were good enough to get me an interview at Harvard and some other top US schools, but not good enough for Ottawa. Ontario admissions are way too intense. Oh well. Best of luck to everyone with an interview.


This along with the person with 3.97 again reinforces the lottery aspect of medical school application. But on a sidenote, do you guys think that your references were good enough like 100% sure your references are good?


Anyway good luck to all that are still waiting.

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Finally an interview invite :)


wGPA: 3.87

IP, Out of Ottawa Region


In terms of the ABS I filled up my entire sketch (48 items). I've been told this is important, but not necessary of course. Haven't done anything spectacular, just did a lot of stuff. Plus I spent time writing the descriptions to make sure they weren't just listing what I did, but rather what I got out of the activity.

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Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster. Decided to go with the 101 theme in my name!


Invited to Ottawa. Go To school in Waterloo, but originally from Markham.




MCAT 13/14/15/S (I know it is not important for Ottawa)

IP - Not Ottawa

cGPA - 4.00

wGPA - 4.00

4th YR Aplicant

1st Time applying


Interviews So Far: UBC, Dalhousie, McGill, Ottawa, Queen's, Manitoba, McMaster, Queen's, UWO (pending, but met the cutoffs)


Awaiting: Toronto, USask, Calgary, Alberta


Hoping to at least get into a few schools in the end. Not sure where I want to go yet - though Toronto and Vancouver are the big diverse cities with most appeal. Would probably be happy anywhere though.


Good luck everyone.

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IP but not from Ottawa area. Very excited! Not invited last year due to insufficient autobio sketch.


wgpa approx. 3.95


What extra you did to bring your autobio sketch to the acceptance level? I got rejected for similar reason this year.

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Addy, your stats are pretty amazing too. Is there a treshold above which we shouldn't post our stats?


I'm sorry if I offended anyone.


I think what he was referring to was your unnecessary monster MCAT post in the Ottawa thread... nothing against you personally, just clarifying what I believe Addy was saying... congrats man, maybe I'll see you at the interview

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Got to love people who make an account to specifically boast about their amazing stats...


The point of the thread is for people to post their stats so all pre meds can analyze the data and determine potential cut offs and future chances.

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got an invite today!!

wgpa 3.93, no mcat

does anyone know what to do if you cant make the interview day/time?


You can contact them but they really frown on that. They have a structure as to who reviewed your sketch which makes the dates more important than initially it would appear.


I sure if it is really important something could be worked out (it has before), just don't expect it to be easy :)

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Wow, sooo many great applicants got rejected. I never knew it was this hard to get an interview, I'm completely in shock. With a 3.99 I thought an interview was a lock, this is scary stuff! I don't have any time to do more ECs and still maintain this gpa lol this is so discouraging... I guess I'll have to write the MCATs and hope for the best next year...


I was surprised last year for the same reason - initially though the cut off was like Western or Queens (basically you hit that and you get an interview). They really care about the ECs - I did get an interview but many people with a high GPA didn't.


Still with that kind of GPA you have an excellent foundation for what ever med school strategy comes next!

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wGPA 3.89


mcat, unimp but 36S total


grad student


IP- not from ottawa


ECs- nothing spectacular


I am actually in shock at teh stats right now. I have no publications, conferences etc.. so I am surprised at some of the people who got rejected vs me who got invited.


I guess i agree its all luck. i got rejected from all schools last yr so i feel ur pain, i guess i should just count my lucky stars


Applied: calg, sask, dal, mac, uwo, queens, uoft, ottawa

interview: dal, queens, ottawa

rejected: mac, uwo (got 10 in V)

waiting: calg (made top OOP rank), sask, and my first choice of UofT


C u @ the interviews...ill b the one in the suit ;)

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Holy Amazingness



Invited for Interview!!!!!!


In Ontario, not from Ottawa or underserviced area.


wGPA = 3.846 which was rounded up to 3.85!!!!!


Long story about how I finished school with a wGPA of 3.843.... and one of my grades was mistakenly totaled to 89.4 and rounded to a 89 rather than the 89.6 it was and rounded to a 90.


This changed my wGPA from 3.843 to 3.846 and is the difference between my application being thrown out and getting an interview... I'm just in shock at the moment.


Woo hoo... I'm rooting for you.

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3.92 omsas cgpa

EDIT: IP, not from ottawa

EDIT 2: received at 10:14 am today. also, for sfinch -- Mac Hth Sci.


Hope you enjoy the class reunion at Ottawa - too bad there will be the occasional interloper seen from a scum university like UofT or Queen's at the interviews!


Good luck, irrespective.


For everyone else, itimebomb2 also shows that good but not crazy outstanding gpa/mcats can get you in. Decent gpa but not amazing (3.92) and average MCAT (34S - but great verbal and WS) with well written essays will likely give him interviews at all 5 schools. Ask him for advice if applying next year.

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I really appreciate what you wrote. I've been rejected across the board from UWO, Queen's, Mac, McGill, and now Ottawa. I thought I was competitive but I had no idea how tough this was going to be:


OOP student (from Manitoba)

MCAT 11P/9VR/15B T

PhD student finishing in June in the UK

1 publication, 2 posters


wGPA 3.99 at Ottawa


I didn't realise how much of a liability that 9 in VR would be, but I had no clue how tough this competition was. I'm learning that there are a lot of really smart, accomplished people that have applied, and it's impossible to know what separates the invited from the rejected at this level.


I guess we all just have to assume that there's an element of the inexplicable.


I hope you get an interview at Toronto Permanent Wave, and I hope I do too :S.


UofT graduate pool is HugE this year, so don't count on that. But UManitoba should be a shoo-in. Be thankful you live in an easy province.

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