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iphone apps

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Thanks for the helpful posts guys! Now for something completely different.


Here are a few I use regularly that are free:


uCentral: Free if your institution licenses Harrison's online. It's basically Harrison's on your phone. Nuf said.


Epocrates: A medication encyclopedia. Include drug information, including dosing, indications, counterindications, interactions, etc. etc. Pretty good for quick reference on the go.


Medscape: Good for med related news and Case Reports (set out in a nice quiz style) if you're into that sort of thing.


Eponyms: Good for checking those annoying eponymous names, especially in surgery.


You can also pay big bucks for stuff like Netter's, no real experience on these but I've heard some say they are helpful. Check the comments and user ratings - they're usually a good indicator.


Enjoy your phone. Don't let any haters rag on you - they're just jealous.

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