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MCAT Score to be Competitive


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I am seriously considering re-writing my MCAT, seeing how I have had no success this cycle.



taking into account the success of the applicants this cycle, what kind of score is competitive, as a canadian, applying to the low-mid tier US schools?


All I know is that you don't need to re-write if it's due to a low WS. I have an 'N' and I don't think it was an issue in the U.S.


Good luck!

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Definitely depends on ECs and essays. Great ECs and essays means you could easily get away with a 30 (no section below a 10). With average ECs, I would say 32 to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately some schools average MCAT scores. Some people think they are golden with their second score, but with the average, they might not get the same results they'd expect.

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I would aim for 34+. I had a 33 balanced and didn't get anything! but of course it will depend heavily on your GPA, ECs, etc


I had a 32 and got 5 interviews/ 1 acceptance in the US.


MCAT score may be the least of your worries. Take the time to call up admissions officers and ask why your application was weak. Then fix those areas.

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A low score? would a VR9 be a "low" score?

(PS-13, VR-9, R, BS-10)

science GPA = 3.85, non-sci GPA = 3.85

Strong EC and LOR (1 prof, 1 work, 1 volunteer)


I think your MCAT will be ok but your letters aren't. You'd need at least 3 prof letters unless you're willing to cut out a large number of schools based on LOR requirements.

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