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IB credits

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Hey guys,

Did anyone of you use your IB credits to fulfill the pre-reqs? I have IB credits for English and Gen Chem. I know I have a limited number of schools to apply with my IB credits.


So far, I'm planning on applying to:




Wayne State



Are there any more schools that are low-mid tier that accept IB credits?


Thanks in advance!

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I used IB credits for 1 course.

Most US schools are ok with them, some may not be - like Vandy - Vandy took my Biochem as a substitute for the G chem course that I had waived in 1st year

Advise To all future applicants - Do not use your IB credits to waive1st year courses. Not worth it


Thanks Gitanjali! I now realize that I should have forfeited my IB credits and should have taken them in first year.


Anyway, was ur biochem course a full year or a half year course? Because, I am taking a biochem course online at Athabasca and I have a cell molecular bio course. Will those two suffice for the biochem requirement and sub in for gen chem?

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