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Masters thesis

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talk to your department..


some will allow you to just attach your paper pretty much and then you'll have very little to write, others will make you rewrite the entire thing to match their guidelines, but even then with a published paper, it won't be hard to rewrite it.


your thesis doesn't have to be your published work. your thesis is a project and a story. if you did a side-project that ended up being published and you don't want to have that as your thesis (dunno why you wouldn't), you can just attach it as an appendix to your actual thesis just so they know that you have done other work as well.... but you need to talk to your department

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For my MSc thesis, I have an introductory chapter that was more or less a combination of a literature review/background and an introduction to the goals, etc of the thesis. Then I had two manuscript chapters (pretty much identical to the published papers with some minor formatting to match the UBC guidelines. The fourth and final chapter is a general discussion about the findings, where they fit in relation to the rest of the field and future directions. I do have an appendix with extra relevant data that wasn't included in the manuscript chapters.


Hope that helps!

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Well, it depends on your school. I'd recommend getting ahold of theses from previous students in your lab (in addition to looking at the official guidelines).


You can probably paste in your paper, and write an extra long intro and overall discussion, but your school could have guidelines that say otherwise.

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