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University of Limerick Interview

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I've been invited for an interview with the University of Limerick in Ireland (being held in Toronto on April 2nd) and I was wondering if anyone has interviewed with them before? Or, if you're already in the medical program at the University of Limerick, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks.

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30 international spots (that has been the number floating around the other forums). Pretty sure the number if not 30 is close to that anyways. I recieved an interview for the 4 year program for april 3rd. This is a quote from a poster on another forum about Limerick interview:

"My friend told me the group activity consists of you being placed in the situation of being stranded on an island and you are given a list of items that you have with you. On your own, you are supposed to rank the items in terms of importance. After you have done so, in a group you come up with a group list. This is what I can remember what my buddy told me anyway. The interview itself I can't remember if it's an individual or a panel, but I'll find out and let you know. But like I said, very casual and laid back in order to make you comfortable."

About the Uni itself, I heard mixed things. I am sure it is a great institution but if you get accepted to RCSI, UCD or Trinity do not pick Limerick over those.

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Any ABP people know if there is any truth to the "you only get one acceptance" rumour? I've heard from a few people that once you are offered an acceptance at one of the schools your application is pulled from the others? While I'd certainly be happy with one.. having choice would be great!

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I interviewed for Limerick in the past.


Here is how it went:


You start by meeting the ABP people and a rep from the university. They give a presentation on the school. Then all the applicants are separated and you are given a piece of paper with a scenario. You have 10 min to read it and jot down some notes.


My scenario was complex with lots of additional info and charts. But basically it was all about this guy who runs a water bottling company. He goes to work after being away for a few weeks and notices that there is not as much product in the warehouse as he was expecting. You are suppose to propose possibilities of what may of caused this discrepancy. The extra info given in the scenario allows for many possibilities. From electrical outages to product being stolen and so on.


After 10 min you are led into a conference room. There you met the panel. There was one faculty member from Limerick and another faculty member from McMaster. Your interview begins with presenting with a white board your solutions to the scenario. The panel will critique your explanations and ask questions.


Then a traditional closed file interview begins. The questions were all standard stuff. They do ask some European politics questions. They also ask questions which try to probe at how committed you are to the idea of living in Ireland. The interview portion lasts about 20-30 min and then you are led out of the room by the ABP staff. ABP then offered lunch and made a presentation on preparing to do medical school in Ireland and a video showing interviews with Canadian doctors who trained in Ireland.

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Wow thanks for that break down. I was not expecting it to be that complex. This is the outline I was given via my invite email:


"9:00AM – Welcome Address

9:15AM - 10:30AM – Group Sessions

10:30AM – 11:00AM Coffee Break

11:00AM – 12:30PM – Interview Sessions

12:30PM – 1:30PM – Lunch Break

1:30PM – 3PM – Interview Sessions

3:30PM – Presentation & Questions"


Can you give any insight on the group sessions? Thanks very much.

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Hey guys,


I will also be at the April 2nd interview in Toronto! I talked to ABP and they said that it'll be an open-file interview with a traditional format. I'm looking forward to the group sessions...does anyone know anything else about the coming interview? And will we be assigned our interview slots upon arrival?

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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, just recently came across this forum. I'm from Toronto studying medicine in Limerick. I cannot believe the facilities here, they have worldclass sports facilities here, more new buildings then I care to mention, the most amaing pedestrian bridge you've ever seen ( it moves when you walk on it, no kidding) and a fantastic med school. It has the river Shannon splitting the campus ( which is on 600 acres)The people here are fantastic. Also in the City there are great bars & so many frienly ppl. I cannot believe that Doc 22 said to choose ucd or Trinity over limerick. That guy must be off his rocker. I interviewed at trinity and was offered a place there, i chose limerick after I saw the Campus. Boy I can tell you, I am not sorry. Its like living in a Parkland with a great City less then 2 miles away. It rocks.

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  • 2 months later...

Doc22B is a classmate of yours ;). University of Limerick is indeed a beautiful campus, the anatomy, PBL, and clinical skills profs here are amazing. My judgement in that previous statement was based on hearsay, so lesson learned.

Highly recommend Limerick if you do indeed choose to come here. (Also a new Medical school building will be finished for December 2011 :D)

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