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Sadly, I went unmatched in the first round. It totally sucks.


I applied to General Surgery.


Just wondering curious if anyone else out there went unmatched? What did you apply for?


Do you know anyone who did not match? What did they apply to?



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Sorry to hear that u went unmatched! But there a few GS open this yr.. Even a few ENT.. You should not loose hope and go after the good programs left.. U are not competing with many people on the 2nd round so more chance!

Good luck



actually, not to sound like a bubble burster (is that a word?) but IMGs are also competing for all the spots in 2nd round...so *technically* there may be (and likely are) more competition as compared to the first round.

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actually, not to sound like a bubble burster (is that a word?) but IMGs are also competing for all the spots in 2nd round...so *technically* there may be (and likely are) more competition as compared to the first round.


Well, no ! He Only competes with CMG and not IMG.. Their spots and the process of matching to totally different.. They might combine the two groups

together later on but not Now.. So he has good chances to get a competetive spot!

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Quote: "He Only competes with CMG and not IMG.. Their spots and the process of matching to totally different."


Is this the case? Does the parallel match persist into the second round of the match? It was my understanding that the second round was a free-for-all, in that IMGs could apply for spots that were originally designated as CMG and vise versa.


To Evan, I'm so sorry. You're right, it does totally suck. Even heartbreaking. You're probably not in the right head-space for hearing words of consolation right now, but I'll offer them anyways. Someone said something to this effect to me after I went through the CaRMS match: even if you end up doing something or going somewhere that you didn't really want in the first place, in several years' time, you will look back and be able to identify something really wonderful that has happened to you that would not have happened to you the same way if you had gone to your number #1 choice.



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Well, no ! He Only competes with CMG and not IMG.. Their spots and the process of matching to totally different.. They might combine the two groups

together later on but not Now.. So he has good chances to get a competetive spot!


I thought the parallel match is only for the first round. There are more CMG seats than there are CMGs...so if they kept things separate, many seats would be empty each year. My understanding was that the 2nd round was a "free for all" and the separation of seats was only for the 1st round. And...when would combining "later on" happen if not in the 2nd round...there is no 3rd round....


Regardless, I've also heard that CMGs do well in 2nd round, evan. I believe programs prefer CMGs.


Good luck in the 2nd round!

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