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Another LOR Question...

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Hey, sorry if the answer to this question is really obvious, but my research into this hasn't turned up straight answers.


I know that for OMSAS, the LOR includes "rating" type of form. When applying to American schools, is there anything similar to this or is it just a straight letter? Also, if it is just a straight letter, can anyone point me to a list of topics or characteristics that should be commented on?


Oh..one more thing. I see that most schools require 1-2 letters from a professor in science. Is it normal that these references are mostly a verification of academic performance and not really character references? If I add another 1-2 letters that can fill in the character gaps, do you think that would be okay?


Thanks, everyone.

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There is no rating form for American schools, just the straight up letter.


It's better if you know the 1-2 science profs well and they can comment on both your academic performance and character. It's fine to satisfy the school requirements, but then make sure those character letters are good enough to make up for what may be dry letters from science profs who don't know you very well.


Keep in mind that some schools' definitions of "science" and "professor" are quite loose. You can potentially get away with using a psych clinician who occasionally does research to fill this req. Rack your brain and try to think of a "science prof" who can comment on more than just academic performance...


If that doesn't work, see if you can schedule a meeting with one of the science profs and talk to them for a bit. I did this with a science prof I didn't know very well. I talked about why I wanted to be a doctor, where I was applying, why I was asking him, etc. I'm pretty sure he ended up writing me a great letter.

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