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applicant in prof. school

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Just wondering, if anyone knows how med. schools regard students in a professional program i.e. pharmacy or midwifery. These programs have around 15-18 graded courses and then clinicals are pass/fail...making them 4-year programs.


For example, if one's first undergrad degree doesn't have a strong GPA partly because of 1st year & then started to improve in the latter years but doesn't hold a high cGPA but the gpa starts increasing in the last few years, 3.3+

The marks start going up in the professional program, and does well on their mcat...


What are the chances? 1) if the person in applying after the 1st or 2nd year of prof. school? 2) at the end of professional school? with an ok gpa like 3.5 or 3.6 but that isn't the cGPA with both degrees..

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