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If you take 6 courses in fourth year first term, 3rd year gpa doesn't have to count?

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This is a rather specific question,


If I'm a fourth year IP applicant,


assume the gpa in first three years goes like this

1st: 4

2nd: 3

3rd: 2

4th: 6 courses in first term gpa>2, 4 courses in second term gpa>2


will they take off my 3rd year and calculate with 1st, 2nd and 4th?


does anyone know?:confused:

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If you are CURRENTLY in your fourth year when you apply, then no they won't use the 4th year because you won't have completed the courses when you apply. They will instead only use 1st and 2nd year and drop the 3rd year. This is because technically you will have completed 4 years when you enter medicine the following september. As an example, I was currently in my 4th year when I applied this cycle, and as 2nd year was my worst year, it was dropped and my GPA was based solely on 1st and 3rd years.


However if you already have the results of all four years at the time that you apply, they will drop that 3rd year and calculate the GPA based on years 1, 2 and 4.

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