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?? Medical and Humanities - New Curriculum ??

Guest LukaBR

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Hello u all!! :P


What made me choose McGill (out of a load of very good reasons) is the fact that i heard about McGill's reputation as a med school that empahsises and practises the importance of formation in sciences humaines as an essential differential to the medical carreer.


I would like to knwo from the actual med students if it is really so, and to what extent.


Is it true that McGill helps form several future humanitarian doctors for Red Cross, MSF, UN agencies, NGO and etc ...?


Are medical gradutes from McGill truly trained to be sensitive about the human aspects of the practise of medicine, but more than that is it true that McGill triggers in its med student the curiosity for the human sciences in general and transdisciplinary studies?


And how would you regard the contribution of med students form diverse undegrad backgrounds to the emancipation of this kind of vanguardism?


Thank you very much!!!

Congrts for the initiative!!!




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Guest medicator007

Hi Luka,


I don't know exactly what you are looking for in terms of a response, but I'll do my best.


As far as training humanitarian doctors who later on in their careers go on to volunteer w/ the IRC, MSF, NGO...etc. Yes, several McGill grads have indeed taken this route. That being said I am sure the same can be said for graduates of just about every other medical school in Canada.


With regards to training towards the humanistic aspects of medicine, McGill does run several "courses" in this domain. Intoduction to the Patient in first year, Medical Ethics and Health Law in the 2nd year.... and a Humanities in Medicine course in the 4th year. Not to mention the ALL IMPORTANT course of interacting with patients over the course of clerkship. However, while i'm not implicitly familiar with the curriculae at other canadian schools I am sure that similar courses exist there as well.


McGill has a number of student run clubs that espouse the values you refer to: McGill International Health Initiative, The Osler Society, MSF chapter, Osler Medical Aid Foundation...etc. Again, I'm sure that other canadian schools have similar facilities as well.


My class brings forth a tremendous diversity of undergrad backgrounds, that truly run the gamet of every discipline that is offered at university. Certainly this and the other elements of diversity that my class possesses bodes well for success in this regard. And once again, I am positive the same can be said for every other faculty in Canada.


So i guess what I am trying to say is: I'm glad you heard that McGill has such a reputation, but I think the same can really be said for any medical school in Canada.


I am sorry if this response is rather vague, but I am not sure exactly what you are looking for in your question. If you have any more specific questions on this matter please feel free to post them here and I would be happy to try and answer them.



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Hi Medicator,


Thx (again) for being so helpful :)


It's nice to hear most canadain med school share hte interest in humanities. It is such an overlooked theme here, in our schools, that it really makes me excited to know there are so many great initiatives there.


I ended up creating a student NGO here because of the lack of something similar being conducted institutionally. And we have been having such great results that now the university wants to officialize our association as a solid part of the universsity societies. Yet, we still lack this sort of principle in our education process aqdn we some times see that the support for these types of actions are much more a means of gaining more funds and raising more public acceptance for the university. I guess the people who benefit from what we do don't care if the "big bosses" are being true, I guess if we who execute the projets and the people we are aiming are, then that's what really matters.


In my being interested in following a carrer in humanitarian medicine and public health, knowing all this about canadian schools just adds one more huge point that supports my choice.


Thank you again pal :P


Best of luck to you ... and feel free to come and visit Brazil anytime, you are guaranteed a great tour (amazing beaches, enchanting girls, bursting sun and flamboyant popular culture and diversity) and room and board!!!



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Guest medicator007

Visit to Brazil eh?


While this certainly is an enticing offer.... looking at my schedule that won't be very likely any time soon. Though I have heard from friends that it is a gorgeous country. Perhaps later in life as a staff physician when I actually have time and money :P




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