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Why McGill?

Guest bearman14

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Guest bearman14

Wow, the McGill forum is pretty quiet!! I'll try to break the silence...


Now that almost all schools have released their acceptances, I am faced with a dilemma - a pleasant one, but a dilemma nonetheless. I am confronted with having to choose between the comfortable and relatively familiar (UBC), and the foreign and unknown (McGill). As of now, I am leaning toward McGill, and I was hoping to hear any convincing arguments from current students as to "Why McGill"? I have read many of the previous posts, and looked into the curriculum, etc, etc, so I think at some deeper level I'm probably looking for reassurance that a small-town B.C. boy who's French is c'est terrible will still find contentment and happiness in Montreal :) So if any of you (current students, prospective students, people who live in Montreal, relatives of people in Montreal, dogs who live in Montreal...) have any thoughts on this, feel free to fire them my way!


Also, I will be in Montreal June 9th-12th to check out job/housing opportunities and to try to cement my final plans, so if any incoming students or current students want to hook up for dinner, coffee, or the like, let me know. Dan/defenst, you had mentioned you would be there around that time - are your plans still the same? Let me know. Thanks.



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Guest dfenst

What's up bearman. I will be in Montreal until June 14th. I can't sell the school to you like a current student can but I can tell you that my sister loved it, the students who I spoke with at the interview enjoy it and Montreal is just a great place to be. I've been to Whistler, and I know how BCers loooooove BC, but it would be great to see you around next year.


You can message me thru EZbox or email me at danielfenster@hotmail.com about grabbing a Mr. Steere burger when you're in town (a fantastic Montreal-original burger). I feel that there's no better way to feel out a potentially new city than to taste its food. Unless, of course, the meat comes from your neck of the woods... :x

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Guest bearman14

Sounds good dfenst!! I'm having a Pavlovian salivatory response to the Mr. Steere burger...


I'll drop you an email.



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