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Concordia Biology Courses


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I'm wondering about the requirements for McGill med - or rather what most med school accept for the biology requirement. I'm wondering if anyone knows which courses these are at Concordia. Most med schools seem to require 1 year of biology WITH LAB. This is the hard part to find at Concordia.


BIOL 201 is lectures with LAB


But everything else that has LAB at Concordia seems quite specific.


Contrasted to McGill which simply has:


BIOL 111

BIOL 112


Which both have LAB so I think that is good.


Does anyone know what Concordia courses to take - or should I just transfer to McGill? Thanks!

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Transferring to Mcgill is apparently extremely hard, especially in a science/applied science/engineering programs, which I'm guessing is what you're going to look for at admission. Why not do you're biology prerequisites at a CEGEP. Or ask for inter-university transfer with crepuq for your prerequisites.


University Equivalences

About CEGEP transfer credit

Quebec Inter-University Transfer


If you want to stay at Concordia, I don't know what course you should take, but could potentially take Bio courses that have similar syllabus to "bio 102" 112(mcgill) and defend your case at the admission office to have it assessed has an appropriate requirement.


Ex. BIOL 225 Form and Function of Organisms (3 credits)

Prerequisite: Cegep Biology 301 or 101-NYA or BIOL 201. An introduction to plant and animal form and function is presented. This course provides an overview of basic physiological and morphological aspects of plants and animals that allow survival and reproduction. Topics in animal biology include animal architecture, internal fluids, homeostasis, digestion and nutrition, nervous and chemical coordination; topics in plant biology include plant organization, photosynthesis, respiration, water relations, and growth regulation. Reproduction and development of both plants and animals are introduced.


...I'm pretty sure this is the closet thing, but there's a little problem. Lectures only.


maybe do...


BIOL 368 Genetics and Cell Biology Laboratory (3 credits)

Prerequisite: BIOL 261, 266; CHEM 212 or 217 or BIOL 227. This course introduces students to the basic laboratory techniques of cell biology, microbiology, bacterial genetics, and molecular biology. Experiments include cell membrane functions in red blood cells, bacterial identification, mutagenesis, genetic transformation, gene mapping, DNA isolation and recombinant DNA techniques. Through tutorials, students learn the theory behind techniques and their use in research. Special focus is placed on lab manipulation skill, data organization, and data interpretation. Laboratory and tutorials.


But UDM bio 1 and bio 2 don't have labs and a few cegep (only a handful of french ones I think) don't have labs for bio 2 and it doesn't seem to be a problem for admission in schools in Quebec, Ontario and in the Maritimes.


In the end, best thing to go is to contact the school.


Hope it helps.

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Back in the day, the McGill FAQ used to list BIO 225, 226, and 227 as the pre-reqs, in addition to BIO 201.


As always, it's best to just call McGill and ask them yourself, to be sure.


However, that should do it. Or, as someone else said, look into doing it at a CEGEP.

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from Mcgill faculty of Medecine FAQ


How can I fulfil all of the Biology requirements at Concordia?


Concordia University offers several entry-level biology courses, not all of which include laboratory work. Many successful applicants who have taken Biology at Concordia have taken the following: (1) BIOL 201, and either (2a) BIOL 225 with BIOL 227, or (2b) BIOL 226 with BIOL 227. It is highly recommended that you speak with your academic adviser for proper course planning. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that all required course and laboratory work is/will be fulfilled.

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