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Distance Ed, On-Site or Both?

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Hello All,


Well after 2 years of being on this forum and doing upgrades I am finally heading back to school to start my second degree. Here is my dilemma (and yes I know I am cutting it close). I am currently enrolled at the University of New Brunswick Saint John in the No Degree option (only temp till January, I have to take precal from UNB before be accepted to BSC) and also in the Bachelor of Science for Human Science from Athabasca. I am wondering what would be the best choice. Time wise distance ed would be the best for me as I am a shift worker so I have the time to do the work but not go to class. This being said I not convinced that this is the right path to get into med school. I had contacted Dal awhile again asking what they thought of the distance ed program and I got a 3 word responce "This is fine" :confused: , this didn't really help my decision. So here's my question do you think that I should go to Athabasca or Unb or should I take courses from both (and end up with a degree from UNB)? Sorry for being long winded thanks for any advice that you can give.

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Athabasca is an accredited Canadian university and as such is the same as any other university in terms of how your grades will be handled. I did my second degree through distance education (through TRU) and UBC accepted me this year. I think that what works best for you in terms of times and schedule is probably your best bet. If you decide to do both Athabasca and UNB make sure you get your courses approved before you start them so that they for sure transfer into your UNB degree. Also find out how many courses you are allowed to take at another university, because many universities require that you take a certain percentage from them in order to obtain your degree from them. Overall, as a shift worker, I think your best options are to either do a combo of both or to go with Athabasca.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I looooove distance courses. I always take them over the in-class courses whenever possible. For me, I really enjoy being able to work ahead when I have the time so I'm not freaking out when I don't. Its also nice to be able to shop around a bit as far as courses go, as Athabasca is part of the consortium and you don't have to pay any extra fees to take courses from others schools that are a part of it. Sometimes you can save yourself a few bucks in tuition that way as well. I actually took a course from TRU that was very similar to an Athabasca one for half the price. Score!

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