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professional e-mail for a referee?


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For one of my referees, I thought it would be great if my piano teacher (private teacher who does not teach at a school) could write me something since I have been her student for 6 years. She graduated from a reputated music school and she is part of the organizing committee of a provincial competition. In other words, she's not my mother/neighbor/friend, etc.


However, Mcgill clearly states: "Referees are required to have a personalised corporate or professional e-mail account. Addresses from free e-mail services such as Hotmail, Live Mail, GMail, Yahoo Mail, etc. will not be considered."


The problem is that she NEVER used Internet in her whole life and she certainly does not have a personalised e-mail account.


Should I...?


1 - Ask for another piano teacher? She has never taught me, does not know me personally, but she did hear me play many many times, she was the judge for my exams/competitions, and knows about my awards.


2- Ask Mcgill if that counts as a special circumstance ("Letters of reference or paper submissions will not be accepted except in special circumstances and at the discretion of the Admissions Office."


Any ideas guys? Honestly, that would be my strongest referee... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really need some referees with professional emails. I think this is a stupid rule. McGill is my best chance at med school because I'm a Quebec resident but this professional email stuff is making my life much harder than it should be.


It seems there was a change recently, as now it says that they would accept the generic e-mails if the referee sends the following:


"a letter from the referee to the Office, on institutional letterhead, declaring their identity, certifying their e-mail address, with original (not electronic) signature and attached business card;


or, if the referee is unable to provide institutional letterhead,


a letter from the referee to the Office declaring their identity, certifying their e-mail address, with original (not electronic) signature and with the name and original signature of a witness or guarantor. "


(from http://www.mcgill.ca/medadmissions/applying/submitting-your-applciation/supporting-documents/references)

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Hey, f_d,


I've been meaning to ask, are you like a forum moderator or something? Are you a med student too?


nah, nothing so exotic


I am just your average grade 10 high school student with a C- average hoping to get into university one day.


Some time back, when I first joined some 20 months ago as a grade 9 student, the mods asked me if I would kindly act as a lightning rod so that the spammers, trolls who lie, make useless posts/thread/polls and those who are obsessive compulsive in destructive ways would focus on me and I gladly accepted this role for the sake of the forum, so others would not be bothered. In other words, the haters and sick look to me an outlet for their sick thoughts and actions.


I am just playing my modest role. I hope to get into undergrad one day. Meanehile, I have developed quite an expertise in editing Essays and autobiographical material for hopeful applicants and have helped many here, despite the fact that I never submitted an Essay myself to any med schools. I am totally transparent in this and do not claim to have any credentials, indeed, on this forum YorkMan demanded I make myself transparent so that med hopefuls can better decide if they would like my assistance - and, in another lengthy post, I spelled this out in detail, including the references given my numerous happy customers so to speak. YorkMan never asked for my help, which I would gladly give to him to help him improve his chances, as the main pupose of this forum is self-help and to pay forward to those seeking guidance and advice.


Our main helper and guardian angel on this forum is rmorelan and it has been said that he is actually a medical student. I do believe this to be true, even though I doubt that YorkMan has yet to be interviewed by any med school in Canada. rmorelan is the real artcile to which we all aspire whereas poor YorkMan is at the opposite end of the spectrum here to cause trouble due to his growing frustrations and unhealthy obsession. He needs healthy outlets for his energy rather than go along the self-destrucvtive path he follows.


There is always someone obsessed with f_d and coming after her. By any chance, are you next? :P If so, we can perhaps get to know each other.


In any event, I have fallen in love with this lovely new member from France who posts on both the English and French parts of the forum. Alas, she has a b/f :mad: but I consder this to be a challenge and not an obstacle - that I will overcome. Also, she has indicated an interest in younger men, whereas she and I share gender. Somehow, in the months ahead, I hope that you will witness our relationship grow on this forum. :P


I would very much like to be a physician. At the moment, in trying to reach this goal, I have considerable patient experience and hope this will prove useful. Most of my patient experience is so far limited to trying to find a physician and I spend considerable more time in the waiting room than with the doctor, who seems to use the assembly line method of dealing with patients. I do not know if this experience will be useful on future med school applications or in the MMI. But I will be able to show my skills as patient in a MMI be being silent, just reading a magazine, :) and as doctor, by being mainly silent, asking a few questions and then asking the patient to leave.

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