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CASPer fail

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Definitely agreeing with everyone on the timing issue. This is like thinking on your toes to the max. Even MMIs give you more time to think and read a scenario before answering a question lol. I didn't miss any questions but there were a few that I didn't have as much support as I would've liked to give as my other responses. I guess it's the waiting game for all of us now...Good luck to those writing on Wednesday! (now I can enjoy what's left of my weekend..)

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After reading over all the responses from writing the test earlier in the day i believe its safe to say that the test didnt seem as crazy and hard as everyone made it out to be from my perspective. I totally agree the timing was a bit crazy and always kept me on the go and I didnt like that. However, I was still able to answer all the questions, I wasnt able to give really amazing responses in my opinion just had to work with what came to my mind in that momment.


Heres hoping my grammer and spelling were not terrible as I had to type as fast as I possibly could and didnt get much time if any to proof read my responses.


I wish everyone the best.. and I think we can all agreee you really wont know what to expect from the mac admisions office when they finally hand out the interview invites..who really knows what a superb response would be,, verses just a decent response lol

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I'm okay with the timing and thought it was fun as well..... until my internet went down briefly .... I swore so loud that my neighbor almost came knocking on my door(I could hear them going down the stairs but I guess since I only swore once, they didn't end up bothering).


I hit the refresh after the internet went back and everything turned out OK. I called the tech support and the person said I was fine.


The thing with the timing is that everyone is on a level playing field and it forces you to cut the bull**** and get right down to point.


Also not a fan of the comment character limit, not sure if it's intended or simply someone forgetting to take out the character limit on that one. Had a lot to say but ended up only talking about one thing.

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For all those writing theirs on Wednesday--> don't stress. There is really nothing you can do to prepare (and no, I don't think reading up on Canadian legal and ethical practices will help)


I wrote mine at 2:30, or rather 2:45 because I had to redo my system-pretest (yay, as I'm freaking out, I see a video of Jimmy learning about traffic safety. How helpful!)


I'm a pretty fast typist, but maaan, that was brutal at times. Some I was able to write two paragrpahs, and others, 2-3 sentences.


While I agree that it shows how you can think on your toes, for most of the situations presented, in real life, you should NOT be thinking about answers for a third of five minutes. The only time as a doctor we may ever be so rushed if we are trauma surgeons, and in those cases, I don't think it's the same critical thinking skills that apply (especially since some of that stuff we ought to be learning in med school anyways).


Oh well, here's one more person hoping that CASPer isn't used this year, simply because 46% is a lot for weighing, especially in their first run.


Clearly Mac thinks that the 3 years we have put into balancing academics and extracurriculars, being well-rounded individuals with a wealth of experience and the months of MCAT prep (which is a good indicator apparently of MCQEE test as well) are not as good enough of an indicator as a test that expects you to deal with very grey situations in a matter of minutes. I mean, at least the MMI makes more sense- people talk faster than they type.


I was also very amused at the character limit for the survey question.

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I didn't get one. That makes several of us - I wouldn't worry about it. If you got the screen that said you completed CASPer, you're probably fine. :)


As for these trolling jokes, they started out amusing, but it's gotten to the point where they're not funny anymore.

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Scores Are Up!


Can you please remove your quote from your name that is referring to past rude comments on other threads, and also discontinue with the jokes on this forum. You must realize that people are using this as a tool and not a place to make jokes or play.


Thank you.

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Same here! I wrote mine (veresion B) at 12:30. A friend of mine that did it today (B version) at 2:30 got an email though. We both use Utormail so I am wondering if the people that didn't get emails also wrote theirs at 12:30?


I did mine at 12:30 and got an e-mail (very brief) indicating that I completed the survey

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...As for these trolling jokes, they started out amusing, but it's gotten to the point where they're not funny anymore.


Yeah, just as an FYI to the new folks on the forum (I'm new to posting but a longtime reader) pedrobeard aka pedobear is a troll - he was banned recently and just created a new username.


Don't feed the troll. Replying to him only encourages him.

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Oh well, here's one more person hoping that CASPer isn't used this year, simply because 46% is a lot for weighing, especially in their first run.


Nearly everyone that gets into a medical school in Canada has a high GPA and numerous ECs and schools need something to distinguish them from the applicants.


5 minutes is plenty of time to have some sort of an answer to all the questions. They're not looking for literary masterpieces but coherent answers. A time limit has the advantage of separating good applicants from bad ones.


Give a thousand monkeys a typewriter and they'll write the complete works of Shakespeare....same deal here.

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Fair enough... I agree that given enough time, everyone can produce great answers. I just don't think that typed responses are the greatest way of distinguishing between students, that an interview is better.


Figuring out who gets an interview from nearly identical students in such a way is good, but my only issue is that they are weighing this at 46% as opposed to, say, 33% in a year when students are complaining of technical glitches (for example, one of my videos didn't show up and took me directly to three follow-up questions, and I know I'm not the only person this has happened to)


Still, regardless of how I feel about this method, if it works, it works...

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Well the screen froze on me when I was entering the final comments in the survey.......did this happen to all of you that didn't get an e-mail??


This happened to me!


A lot of people are saying that the comment field had a character limit, and I thought that was the case at first, but I couldn't even back space to delete words. It was definitely a glitch.


I'm going to call tomorrow just to make sure that my CASPer was submitted properly.

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Well the screen froze on me when I was entering the final comments in the survey.......did this happen to all of you that didn't get an e-mail??


No, my survey went fine. I answered all the questions without problem and it proceeded to the final page which tells me I have completed 100% of CASPer. However I didn't get an email. I did press logout after that 100% completed page so I am wondering if I am not suppose to press logout? But then it says it's 100% complete so I assumed everything is saved and fine.


I should probably call too just to make sure. It would be nice if we can somehow log back to make sure it was okay but then I log back in some hours later and it just doesn't tell me anything about whether it was okay or not.

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Well the screen froze on me when I was entering the final comments in the survey.......did this happen to all of you that didn't get an e-mail??


My screen did freeze during the survey, so I just hit complete or submit or w.e. No emails for me either.


For whoever does call, could you post their response? I'm sure they don't want 10-20 people calling about the same thing...

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