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English proficiency & CV


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Hey all,


I think the following questions were asked earlier, but I can't find the thread now, so I apologize for the repetition.


1) Proof of English proficiency: most programs say that 'If you schooling/first language is not English' then we need proof. Since English is my first language and my med school is in English even though it is in Europe, then do I still need to send some proof....just to be on the safe side? If so, what proof?


2) Carms CV vs. your own CV: for programs that require you to send in your CV, do you have to send a personalized one or can it be the one that Carms generates?? I'm asking b/c for ERAS they ask you specifically NOT to send in a separate CV b/c it generates one for you.


Thanks a lot!

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Regarding the CV, I haven't seen a generated template. Once you create the extra document, you're asked to upload a pdf of your CV so it's likely you create your own personalized one.


Programs that don't accept IMGs are usually pretty strict on that, so I think your application would be thrown out immediately upon them seeing what medical school you are training from - it'd be wasting your own money and time applying there.


Not sure of the english proficiency question. It'd be best to contact CaRMS directly via the email address they list when you're logged in to PWS for any/all questions. They respond within a day and that's your best bet for reliable answers.

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Regarding the CV, I haven't seen a generated template. Once you create the extra document, you're asked to upload a pdf of your CV so it's likely you create your own personalized one.


Programs that don't accept IMGs are usually pretty strict on that, so I think your application would be thrown out immediately upon them seeing what medical school you are training from - it'd be wasting your own money and time applying there.


Not sure of the english proficiency question. It'd be best to contact CaRMS directly via the email address they list when you're logged in to PWS for any/all questions. They respond within a day and that's your best bet for reliable answers.


You're totally correct about the CV thing! I completely spaced on that! Eras and Carms is all becoming a blur to me.


Thanks very much for answering my other Qs!

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