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Submitting without all References in?


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I really appreciate your responses. Thank you. Im beginning to freak out a bit...


I am a mcgill student. I have already sent in my minerva application. Am i missing something?


ok, well thats weird.


I'll explain the steps I did in my app:

1. filled out the stuff on Minerva (really basic application) and payed the 100 bucks or so.

2. created my medOAS account... filled in the identification section.

3. put in all my supplemental stuff and references stuff

4. once medoas was all completed, clicked seal and submit and then "confirm" and then ENTER!


That worked for me.

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So, can you submit if one reference has yet to submit?

Or, does the applicant have to wait until all references have submitted?


I'm not sure, since my last ref just submitted a couple hours ago, but I asked a friend and he said that you can submit as long as everything else is completed and that they are fine with refs coming in later...


I dunno though, don't wanna screw you over :(

(edit: or do I???? 700 applicants, 10 spots...lol)

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  • 1 month later...

Yes we can. But will the application be considered or not is the question.


But I think there is a more flexible deadline for the referees (since it is REALLY NOT your fault). I was once a referee for my students. Somehow, there were some issues with their processing/Canada Post. Almost two weeks after the deadline, I got a letter asking me to submit my reference. On that letter, it asked me to confirm that I had sent them the letter/form, and said to have the reference re-sent ASAP.

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