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How important is it to become a doctor?


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How important is it for you to become a doctor?


I went to a premed meeting earlier this year and one of the members were just like so stuck on becoming a doctor as if it were a life and death ordeal.



For me becoming a doctor is a nice goal and it would be nice, however I still know there are other options for me. How important is it for you?

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not very, in the sense that there are lots of jobs i find fulfilling, so doing any of them would be cool!


How important is it for you to become a doctor?


I went to a premed meeting earlier this year and one of the members were just like so stuck on becoming a doctor as if it were a life and death ordeal.



For me becoming a doctor is a nice goal and it would be nice, however I still know there are other options for me. How important is it for you?

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How important is it for you to become a doctor?


I went to a premed meeting earlier this year and one of the members were just like so stuck on becoming a doctor as if it were a life and death ordeal.



For me becoming a doctor is a nice goal and it would be nice, however I still know there are other options for me. How important is it for you?


I hate to admit it but I'm a little bit like Rachel Berry from Glee (hellooooo... *echo* any Gleeks out here?)in the sense that I'm very set on my goal. BUT for me it's not "life or death." It is very important that I be accepted into medical school, but until then I have a great life, awesome family, awesome boyfriend (also my BFF), fun job, and a very cute cat (second BFF). I just want to make more of a difference and the physician I work for motivates/inspires me a lot to pursue medicine.

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