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Practice MMI session in Montreal


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So I have one MMI interview coming up soon. I went to the CAPS (Career and Placement Services) mock MMI session at McGill. Is was better than what I expected, but left me wanting some more practice.

It is not that I want all my responses to be scripted, but I do want feedback on how I rub off on people. It's important to know that my respones are logically and coherently constructed. Also a few question topics seem to be almost guaranteed to come up so why not practice them?


Here is what I am proposing:

A small group of us come up with a couple of original questions each. Then we meet on Thursday the 24th of February (I have access to a few rooms in the student union building). Then we hand out the questions to one half of the group. They are the interviewers. Each interviewer sees the question they we be asking a little while before hand and sets up a station in a room. The other group rotates through each room just like they would in a real MMI. Then the groups switch. By playing both interviewee and interviewer we can identify common mistakes and improve.


We can grade using the same scheme described my future_doc. This was also the same system used my CAPS McGill so it is very legit. I think with a group with at least 8 people we can make this work. PM me or just reply with your email. I'll send you a topic to write your question/scenario on.


some examples:

-The "tell me about yourself/why do you want to be a doctor/what are your strengths and weaknesses type question" topic

-Something on Canadian healthcare

-A teachings station

-A dealing with someone who is uncooperative station.

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