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Specialty to return of service

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I am a PGY2 at a specialty program I backed up into. I no longer want to be in this program or specialty, and have decided to try to get a spot in my original specialty of interest (not family medicine). I know this is an uphill climb so I am looking for other ways to do it, like a return of service contract.


Is it possible to go into an ROS to an underserviced community somewhere in Canada for this purpose? I'm willing to go anywhere for five years provided its in my field of interest.


I've called the provincial ministries of health but was greeted by voicemail announcements. I'm waiting for their return calls.



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That is an interesting idea. I'd be keen on knowing what the Ministries have to tell you.


What may be an issue in securing another training spot is the actual residency program itself. I have found, from calling around, that if a program doesn't physically have a spot open they are reluctant to take anyone. Funding or not. When pressed, they said that ROS or not, they weren't taking anyone. I was actually pretty surprised at that.


I hope you find a way of doing that. Another viable option is the 2nd round of Carms, but this all depends on what you want. Obviously for competitive things it doesn't work...you can look to see what was left in the 2nd round. You do not qualify for the first round because you have post-grad training and you can't apply to Quebec at all for the same reason. Success rate is approx. 50 - 75% per Carms.


You could also audition at your home's school program for your specialty of interest. Most people I know who have finagled their way in by this route, took some vacation and basically shadowed/worked in that department or with those people. It would take some tact and you'd have to stay under the radar so that your home program doesn't know.

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Still no word from the ministries.


I sure hope some program somewhere will open up a spot. I just gotta be persistent.


The second round definitely will not have what im looking for. I dont agree with how residents are prohibited from round one of carms. It screws a lot of people over.


Id have to set up an away elective. My school doesnt have what im looking for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump. I'd be pretty curious about the ministries' answer if you finally manage to get in touch with them. I'd like to know if that is a possibility.


CaRMS is indeed putting a lot of obstacle in the way of people that choose to change specialty during residency.... It's pretty rough knowing you got unlucky in the match AND you're stuck into your backup program (Program that I'm happy with... BUT wasn't my first choice :P)


Well, keep us in touch please :)

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I am curious to see the ministry's answer as well. Have you talked to Pairo or your post grad office?


I know there is a reentry program, where you have to have finished residency and worked 1 year, and then the government funds you in whatever specialty you choose, with a ROS. And you probably get a year's credit given the training you had. I don't know how easy or hard it is to get one of the supercompetitive specialties.

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I've googled that re-entry program... it's pretty interesting. I didn't know it existed. I know all canadian physician can apply but is it restricted to ontario universities or can you apply for re-entry in Quebec or Manitoba schools for exemple?

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