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MCAT score arrival

Guest medwannabee

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Guest medwannabee

Well, october 14th is coming near, and i just wanted to say that i hope everyone did well on the august mcat. personally, the tension and waiting is killing me. :S.....anyhow cya later







Edited the subject to get rid of the all-caps. Please don't type in all capital letters as it's tough to read. Thx! -Ian

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Aw, man...the wait is killing me!:| My application is all done, waiting to be set on OMSAS, but I just want to make sure it will be $258 well spent. I honestly think I'm going to puke on the screen when I finally log in to check tomorrow.


I hope I hope I hope it's all good.


For all you guys out there that wrote in August, I feel your pain. Hopefully we'll all be :hat after tomorrow. Good luck on the scores, and good luck with the rest of the (seemingly) endless journey to med school.

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The scores are in!! 7:20pm the 13th, on the west coast.


Funny how the MCAT works, thought I bombed VR and did really well, thought I did really well on PS and...not what I'd hoped it would be.

Good luck everyone!

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Guest Lola Lee Lolo



im frustrated guys!

PS 10

VR 9

BS 9



decent but not strong enough to balance a B+ gpa!

i guess it is back to the drawing board...:(

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