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Anyone else get stuck in Calgary?

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AC 140 to Toronto ahoy!


I have my U of T interview at 8 am tomorrow morning, and my flight was supposed to leave Calgary after my Calg interview at 4 pm. Then it got delayed until 7:30 pm and now it's delayed until 11:30 pm.


So I get into Toronto around 6 am local time.


Anyone else in this blasted airport with me?

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I'm here with you :( ... west jet flight to toronto supposed to leave at 6:15, delayed until 7:45...they just announced that the plane has mechanical problems that they "will not be able to fix."


The original delay was caused by the air traffic control computers crashing this morning. It seems like all flights have been delayed for an hour and a half. Now there's problems with de-icing/mechanical issues/etc


Good luck with your interview tomrw!!

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Shoot.... sorry to hear that you guys. :( Have you guys tried talking to the airlines and seeing if they can bump you to an "earlier" flight (i.e., one that is leaving for Toronto ASAP)? :o In another context where there isn't a time pressure, this might be a wee bit funny in that it sounds like a perfect MMI scenario. Hopefully a bit of luck and sweet talking with AC & Westjet customer services will help you guys out of this situation! Let us know when you get to TO. Good luck & send you positive vibes! :)

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Thankfully, I did manage to make it. The admissions office was AMAZING - they let me stop off for a shower and turn up a little bit late. I was a little embarrassed, but they really made sure that I was able to give the best interview possible and that I wasn't messed up by it at all.

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Thankfully, I did manage to make it. The admissions office was AMAZING - they let me stop off for a shower and turn up a little bit late. I was a little embarrassed, but they really made sure that I was able to give the best interview possible and that I wasn't messed up by it at all.
That's really great of admissions to do. I find that they're a bit more lax about these types of things since it's not a strict schedule (like the MMIs).
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