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Email from Western Admissions' office

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Hello everyone, I got this email from the admissions' office this morning.


Good morning ------


In evaluating your application to Schulich Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario, we noticed the combination of courses you are presenting to satisfy the Physiology prerequisite requirement are not on our acceptable list. The Physiology Department has moved away from approving different combinations of courses to cover the physiology prerequisite. Consequently, they have posted on the Schulich website only mainstream human/mammalian physiology courses that they can recommend with a clear conscience in preparation for Dentistry. The rationale behind the challenge exam is to allow students with other courses or combinations of courses a chance to show whether or not, they have acquired an appropriate knowledge of physiology.


You have indicated on your supplemental form that you do not intend to write the challenge exam. In order to be eligible for consideration and be invited for an interview in April, you will be required to write the challenge exam. I have included the links where you can find information about the challenge exam and an outline of the course on which the challenge exam is based on.







Could you please confirm with me, if selected for an interview, you would be willing to take this exam?


Thank you.







Does this mean I will be invited to interview if I say 'yes'?

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Ummm.....i am not too sure if it means that you are invited for an interview because I received the exact same email in November.....however mine said that I HAD indicated that I will write the challenge exam


In your case it says "You have indicated on your supplemental form that you do not intend to write the challenge exam. " I believe that they might just be confirming that you will write the challenge because you had said you WILL NOT in the application.


Since they are supposed to give out invites in about a week or so......maybe that does indicate you are invited because why would they want you to confirm that you are aware you are writing the challenge exam if you weren't a possible candidate......

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I got this email months ago but I refused to write the exam because I beleive my prerequisites satisfy their requirement. I haven't heart from them since, so I don't know what's going on.


you refused to write their equivalency exam when they indicated you needed to to meet their standards? and you think they will just let it go? thats just playing with fire.

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you refused to write their equivalency exam when they indicated you needed to to meet their standards? and you think they will just let it go? thats just playing with fire.


My prerequisite is not on their list of acceptable prerequisites, that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't meet their standards. I asked them to kindly review my prerequisite, if it is still deemed unacceptable, then obviously writing the challenge exam would be my only option. It's not playing with fire.

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My prerequisite is not on their list of acceptable prerequisites, that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't meet their standards. I asked them to kindly review my prerequisite, if it is still deemed unacceptable, then obviously writing the challenge exam would be my only option. It's not playing with fire.


Yeah I totally know what you mean. they did the same thing to me. I asked them to review my courses and get back to me and they said, "no it does not fit our posted acceptable courses, you can either take additional courses or the challendge exam"

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Someone on here mentioned that they got an email CONFIRMING that they had agreed to take the physiology challenge exam.


I know I don't meet the requirements with that course so I indicated that I'm willing to write this exam. However, I never got any emails regarding this exam. Neither a confirmation or an inquiry if i'm willing to take it.


Do you think this might mean that I'm not competitive to even be considered for an interview? (my best two years 84.6% and Reading Comp: 20)


Has anyone else on here who doesn't meet the physiology requirement recieved any kind of emails regarding this matter?

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Someone on here mentioned that they got an email CONFIRMING that they had agreed to take the physiology challenge exam.


I know I don't meet the requirements with that course so I indicated that I'm willing to write this exam. However, I never got any emails regarding this exam. Neither a confirmation or an inquiry if i'm willing to take it.


Do you think this might mean that I'm not competitive to even be considered for an interview? (my best two years 84.6% and Reading Comp: 20)


Has anyone else on here who doesn't meet the physiology requirement recieved any kind of emails regarding this matter?


If you don't meet the physiology requirements and you indicated that you will take the exam, they probably won't email you about the exam until you are invited for an interview (at least I dont think they emailed me last year when I was in that situation).


Last year's stats to get an interview were around 85-86% and 18 in RC. You never know because UWO interviews 250 candidates and they also have a wait list for interviews. Good luck!

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Thanks for the replies with your thoughts and imputs, they are always appreciated.


I do realize that my 2-year average is a bit low for UWO, I guess I was hoping it would perhaps go down from last year, or maybe get off the interview waitlist,



Good luck this week everyone!

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