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Your biggest pet peeves


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Please be as kind as possible. No religious/ cultural/ gender discussions please. Just your typical pet peeves only. Hopefully mods will not consider this thread offensive. We shall see.


I will start:


- young healthy people (!) dragging their feet on the floor as they are walking :P

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This is my little rant:


- smelly people on the bus -either a lack of hygiene or too much perfume (chose your poison)


-young healthy people that don't stand up to let an older person sit down on a bus/train


-people who walk immensely slow in large groups down a hallway that block my way through -so annoying-


-having more leaf fans at an Ottawa senators home game :mad:


-astronomical prices at the university cafeterias


-people who complain that university students get a free ride, when we really don't (ie: those people on calling radio shows that say:" I am a taxpayer and ____________________<- fill in the blank to your own liking):rolleyes:


-running out of milk when you already poured your cereal and tea:mad:


-running out of time on tests and exams, even when you know the answer - (i dread the words: "pencils down")


-having no gas in the car cause your brother used it all up and expects you to fill it up


-not winning on roll up the rim


-chuck Norris jokes


-fox news


- Those people who run outside even when it is -30*c outside in the middle of a snowstorm. (you don't have to run every day you know)


-bikers who take up half of the road and do not respect the rules of the road.


-people who go clubbing every day then expect to do well in university


-people who are aggressive drivers - sometimes I slow down when I know they want to pass me but they cant:D


-jersey shore


-teachers in high school that picked favorites and made it obvious



I can't think of anything else at the moment, but i think you get my point lol.

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I hear you, abstract. On a driving note:


- pedestrians that aren't looking and just start crossing a residential road when its icy and -30 and you can barely stop your vehicle


- people changing lanes without signalling


- people driving 10 km (or more) below the speed limit in the left lane


- people coming to a complete stop at a 4-way stop and not paying attention to whose turn it is - so they just sit there confused when its their turn


On "my lab mates" note:


- not cleaning up after they finished eating in the common area

- leaving dirty tupperware everywhere

- expecting you (out of 8 people) to refill the paper towels but not communicating their expectations to you and just getting mad at you for not doing it

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-young healthy people that don't stand up to let an older person sit down on a bus/train


-people who walk immensely slow in large groups down a hallway that block my way through -so annoying-


-having more leaf fans at an Ottawa senators home game :mad:

+1 to all of these.



Also, people who bite/pick their nails and then spit/throw the little nail parts on the ground. I find that to be too gross.

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1. mornings

2. black socks (so wrong)

3. ONIONS! Get out of my food! (same goes for peppers)

4. bullies

5. prejudice

6. being called "hun," "girl," "sweetie," etc. I know it's a nice gesture, but I just sort of flinch.

7. phrases of speech like, "Here's hopin,'" "Out to lunch", and "Bowin' out"

8. cliches

9. the word "combo" ... for unexplainable reasons

10. movie talkers

11. bad tasting words (I have lexical gustatory synesthesia - it's sort of weird, but often really nice)

12. crowds

13. forgetting to write down items on a shopping list (like cat litter :( )

14. the time period between studying and writing an exam

15. losing something

16. the ringing of a telephone - I get an urge to strangle it

17. the sound of my alarm in the morning - same urge as in 16

18. doing laundry/house chores

19. bitter foods

20. when people say bad things about others for no reason ("she's fat," "she's a __<insurt deragotory phrase>__," "I don't like her outfit," etc.). Get a life.

21. forgetting important things (like my bus pass!)

22. several things associated with my shortness (e.g. my mouse voice, short arm span, small legs - I think I've had to hem every pair of pants I own)

23. loud noises

24. test anxiety

25. impatience

26. having a runny nose (I like always have a runny nose!)

27. when my favourite items (e.g. brand of tampons) go out of stock :mad:

28. using the restroom and realizing there is no toilet paper!

29. hearing the word "luncheon"


Finally, a really weird one,

30. Blue ink pens. If I have to use one, I will. But a part of me dies inside.

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I'm the exact same way! People think it's weird, but I can't take notes with a blue pen and then study them.


Black pens all the way. Unless it's a blue sharpie for flash cards/notetaking or whatever. For emphasis.


Although, I had a navy blue sharpie that I just loved.


My bf hates black pens. It is fortunately not a strain on the relationship.

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- putting my bag down on any floor that's not carpeted

- people that talk during a lecture and don't even try to whisper

- when shoes/boots get salt stained in the winter


- getting into a hot, humid car

- getting into a freezing car

- chairs that aren't height adjustable

- dry skin

- dry contact lenses

- smudgy glasses

- too much ice in a drink

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- people who run/walk/bike in a group, taking up the entire width of a path


- students who talk throughout a class, especially when they are talking in a foreign language, thus disturbing all the people sitting around them


- students who text throughout class - very disrespectful and disturbing


- students who are on facebook / youtube, or any web site really, throughout class, again, very disrespectful and disturbing


- people, who are usually very out-of-shape, telling me that all the running I do is bad for my health, and that I'll have bad knees later in life from all that running (thanks, but I'd rather be fit than obese and out-of-shape)


- people who, when they learn I'm a runner, come up with a million-and-one excuses as to why they aren't active (I honestly don't care - it's your choice to choose to not be active, just as it's mine to choose TO be active)


- people who, even today, expect women to want to have children (not all of us actually want to be mothers, thank you very much) and who tell me I'll regret not having kids when I'm older (thanks, but it's a decision for my husband and I to make, not you)

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- people who, even today, expect women to want to have children (not all of us actually want to be mothers, thank you very much) and who tell me I'll regret not having kids when I'm older (thanks, but it's a decision for my husband and I to make, not you)



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There are so many..

1. When I go downstairs to make my coffee in the morning and someone talks to me. I want silence! I'm cranky in the morning no matter how much sleep I got.

2. Slow drivers/Overly fast drivers/Tailgaters/People who don't signal/People who won't let you merge

3. People who walk really slow in hallways and/or groups that take up the entire hallway

4. People who make noise during class. This includes whispering, talking, shuffling around, people arriving late, people asking the teacher a teacher a question about something she had just gone over (because they weren't listening)

5. When I go to the library to study or read and people are talking.

6. Tim Hortons at the uni doesn't take tim cards.

7. Professors that ramble on about that won't be on the exam. I don't mind personal stories for a laugh; it's when it seems to be related to the topic, but they have no intent on testing us on it, nor do we need to know it for any reason.

8. Cilantro. I hate cilantro. When I say no cilantro, I don't want to find any in my food.

9. Lab partners that make me do everything.

10. People who lie about their grades

11. When someone says that they are taking premed...

12. People who interrupt me when I'm studying. -Thunderous roar-


That's all that pops to mind right now.. There is probably more lol

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- people, who are usually very out-of-shape, telling me that all the running I do is bad for my health, and that I'll have bad knees later in life from all that running (thanks, but I'd rather be fit than obese and out-of-shape)


- people who, when they learn I'm a runner, come up with a million-and-one excuses as to why they aren't active (I honestly don't care - it's your choice to choose to not be active, just as it's mine to choose TO be active)


- people who, even today, expect women to want to have children (not all of us actually want to be mothers, thank you very much) and who tell me I'll regret not having kids when I'm older (thanks, but it's a decision for my husband and I to make, not you)


-people who are not parents telling people who are parents how they should be raising their kids ;)

-+1 to the bad knees comment, but I'll also add to that:

-doctors who tell me that I'm injured because of running my whole life (conveniently ignoring that it has been getting worse the longer I spend not running)

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List as many as you wish:)



Please be as kind as possible. No religious/ cultural/ gender discussions please. Just your typical pet peeves only. Hopefully mods will not consider this thread offensive. We shall see.


I will start:


- young healthy people (!) dragging their feet on the floor as they are walking :P


-People who start threads about pet peeves (Snicker, j/k).


This is my little rant:


- smelly people on the bus -either a lack of hygiene or too much perfume (chose your poison)


-young healthy people that don't stand up to let an older person sit down on a bus/train


-people who walk immensely slow in large groups down a hallway that block my way through -so annoying-


-having more leaf fans at an Ottawa senators home game :mad:


-astronomical prices at the university cafeterias


-people who complain that university students get a free ride' date=' when we really don't (ie: those people on calling radio shows that say:" I am a taxpayer and ____________________<- fill in the blank to your own liking


-running out of milk when you already poured your cereal and te


-running out of time on tests and exams, even when you know the answer - (i dread the words: "pencils down")


-having no gas in the car cause your brother used it all up and expects you to fill it up


-not winning on roll up the rim


-chuck Norris jokes


-fox news


- Those people who run outside even when it is -30*c outside in the middle of a snowstorm. (you don't have to run every day you know)


-bikers who take up half of the road and do not respect the rules of the road.


-people who go clubbing every day then expect to do well in university


-people who are aggressive drivers - sometimes I slow down when I know they want to pass me but they cant:D


-jersey shore


-teachers in high school that picked favorites and made it obvious



I can't think of anything else at the moment, but i think you get my point lol.[/quote']


-People who don't know what's good for them. Chuck Norris will get you and then you will be the next joke on my Chuck Norris calender. SO THERE.


-****. If you're gonna turn on the signal light...MAKE THE ****ING TURN. And if you're gonna turn...USE YOUR ****ING SIGNAL LIGHT.


That is all for now.

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- people who run/walk/bike in a group, taking up the entire width of a path


- people, who are usually very out-of-shape, telling me that all the running I do is bad for my health, and that I'll have bad knees later in life from all that running (thanks, but I'd rather be fit than obese and out-of-shape)


- people who, when they learn I'm a runner, come up with a million-and-one excuses as to why they aren't active (I honestly don't care - it's your choice to choose to not be active, just as it's mine to choose TO be active)



Oh my god!!! And those same people on a different day will be telling HOW to train/ run properly!!! And will always go " when I was 18 I was doing this and that...I ran for like 4 fours followed by 3 hours of abs exercises a day...blah blah blah"

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