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Which school is my best bet?

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Hi everyone!

I was just hoping for some opinions here. I'm currently in second year.


My first year GPA was 3.3, which I know is not good at all.


I'm doing well this year, but I'm afraid that no matter how well I do in subsequent years, my 3.3 will always bring me down.


I currently have around a 3.88 (though the year isn't over). Let's say I get 3.9 (hopefully higher but I feel I should go low when estimating) in 3rd and 4th year, with my 3.3 I would still only finish with 3.75, which isn't exactly competitive.


Which schools don't take every mark into account? For instance, I know Western only uses your best two years. Are there any other schools like this - I'm good with anywhere in Canada.


Would it just be in my best interest to get a really good MCAT score and hope that offsets my 3.75 GPA?


Anyways, if anybody has any suggestions for me that would be fantastic! I just reallllllyyy want to do this and I hope I didn't screw myself over with first year.


Thanks for your time!

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I just reallllllyyy want to do this and I hope I didn't screw myself over with first year.


Certainly not, some people have had much worse first years, or even first 4 years.


Just off the top of my head:


Alberta - lowest year dropped (if it's not your only full courseload year)

Sask - best 2 years, but need really high grades as OOP (practically 4.0 in best 2)

Western - best 2?

Queens - most recent 2

Ottawa - most recent years weighted higher, you'll have to look it up yourself

Toronto - if you too a full course load every year, lowest 8 half courses will be dropped, but it's still really competitive academically


There's probably others that I missed...good luck!

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Hi everyone!

I was just hoping for some opinions here. I'm currently in second year.


My first year GPA was 3.3, which I know is not good at all.


I'm doing well this year, but I'm afraid that no matter how well I do in subsequent years, my 3.3 will always bring me down.


I currently have around a 3.88 (though the year isn't over). Let's say I get 3.9 (hopefully higher but I feel I should go low when estimating) in 3rd and 4th year, with my 3.3 I would still only finish with 3.75, which isn't exactly competitive.


Which schools don't take every mark into account? For instance, I know Western only uses your best two years. Are there any other schools like this - I'm good with anywhere in Canada.


Would it just be in my best interest to get a really good MCAT score and hope that offsets my 3.75 GPA?


Anyways, if anybody has any suggestions for me that would be fantastic! I just reallllllyyy want to do this and I hope I didn't screw myself over with first year.


Thanks for your time!


A 3.75cGPA is fairly competitive. If you had strong ECs and a good MCAT score you would very likely get into medical school in Canada.

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Thank you everyone for being so helpful! I'm feeling a lot less stressed now.


Yes this is a 4.0 scale.


One thing about Queens, I know they take your cGPA and if that doesn't make the cut they look at your two most recent years. How does that work exactly? Would that be like second round of acceptances?


Also for Toronto, this is probably a silly question, but would they drop a full year course and just count it as 2 of the 8 half-courses they drop for you?


Thanks again!

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Thank you everyone for being so helpful! I'm feeling a lot less stressed now.


Yes this is a 4.0 scale.


One thing about Queens, I know they take your cGPA and if that doesn't make the cut they look at your two most recent years. How does that work exactly? Would that be like second round of acceptances?


Also for Toronto, this is probably a silly question, but would they drop a full year course and just count it as 2 of the 8 half-courses they drop for you?


Thanks again!


yes they will drop the full year course and consider it as 2 half year.

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Thank you everyone for being so helpful! I'm feeling a lot less stressed now.


Yes this is a 4.0 scale.


One thing about Queens, I know they take your cGPA and if that doesn't make the cut they look at your two most recent years. How does that work exactly? Would that be like second round of acceptances?


Also for Toronto, this is probably a silly question, but would they drop a full year course and just count it as 2 of the 8 half-courses they drop for you?


Thanks again!


Queen's has two separate cutoffs. First they look at your cGPA. I'm not sure what the cut is for this but I think it's around 3.65. If this doesn't make the cut they then look at your last 2 years. The cut for this is around 3.75. If you make either cut, they will then look at other portions of your application. If you do not make this then you are offered regrets. Note that this may only apply to applicants without a grad degree (they apparently do some magic with those who have them).

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Thank you everyone for being so helpful! I'm feeling a lot less stressed now.


Yes this is a 4.0 scale.


One thing about Queens, I know they take your cGPA and if that doesn't make the cut they look at your two most recent years. How does that work exactly? Would that be like second round of acceptances?


Also for Toronto, this is probably a silly question, but would they drop a full year course and just count it as 2 of the 8 half-courses they drop for you?


Thanks again!


Nah, it's not a 2nd round of acceptances. The way it worked in the past is they cut off everyone who doesn't mean the cGPA requirement of say 3.6x. Then, of the people who didn't meet the cGPA requirement, they'll look at their most recent two years and see if they meet the 3.7x requirement (or whatever it happens to be). Following that, they'll go on to the MCAT requirements in order to determine who receives an interview.


I understand that Queens has modified their pre-admission process, so I'm not sure how accurate my post is with respect to Queens' current way of doing things.

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