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Summer jobs


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Some really great ideas were given to you here:


Example of ideas that were given to you: babysitting (why not turn that into nanny - tons of parents work full-time during summer), tutoring (summer school TA?), assistant pharmacy technician, hospital unit clerk, work in a restaurant which you can tweak and think of waitressing (great way to develop communication skills), work in sales (after two months working on commission at a store you'll have something to say about dealing with stress lol), etc.


Take care,

C :)


there are lots of options out there. pick something you enjoy. research, sales, camp councilor, reception desk at hospitals, working abroad, etc.
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  • Summer reading club supervisor (library)
  • Summer reading program assistant (library)
  • Summer research assistant
  • Page (library)
  • Retail (bookstore, etc.) p.s. Can u tell I like books?
  • Teaching assistant
  • Student marker
  • Pharmacy tech (some places don't require training prior)
  • Treeplanting
  • Museum summer student
  • Landscaping
  • City worker
  • Lifeguard (if u have the training)
  • Piano teacher (if you are certified or know someone who is interested)

  • Hotel staff member
  • Server (restaurant)

  • Movie theater
  • bakery
  • summer youth programs


If that doesn't help, send a PM, tell me where your located, and I can help you out further. No need to start any more threads about the same thing :) I can help you out.

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In addition to this, don't forget that usually University's have career centre's (usually with a database you can search). You can find many summer jobs, internships, etc. online and/or when you go meet them, plus can take advantage of all the services they offer.


Here's a link to yours: http://www.yorku.ca/careers/index.htm




Check out your city's website.
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As everyone has mentioned, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities in the GTA! I am on UofT's Health and Human Rights Conference committee. This two day event will be taking place on March 19 and 20 at Hart House at UofT.


On day one, you will have the opportunity to hear from distinguished experts including reps from the United Nations, Partners in Health, and the Hospital for Sick Children. On day two, you will have the chance to speak with reps from over 30 organizations within the GTA. You will learn about volunteer (local and international), internship, and employment opportunities! We also have some organizations that are involved with research, so it'd be great to check that out!


Please visit http://www.hhrights.ca/2011/register.html for more information or feel free to ask me any questions. =) Good luck!

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