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Is western changing its method of interview invites for the next application cycle?

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Hey Rob (rmorlean), I was wondering if you have any information on whether Western will be changing anything in their process of inviting applicants for interviews next year like Queens did this year. Thanks for your time and consideration.:)

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Hey Rob (rmorlean), I was wondering if you have any information on whether Western will be changing anything in their process of inviting applicants for interviews next year like Queens did this year. Thanks for your time and consideration.:)


As far as we know, there are no plans to change anything as of yet. I'm sure you'll hear about it next year if any decisions are made.

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As far as we know, there are no plans to change anything as of yet. I'm sure you'll hear about it next year if any decisions are made.


Yeah, I just don't want Western to pull a Queens and just change things up randomly halfway into the application process being like surprise.

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Hey Rob (rmorlean), I was wondering if you have any information on whether Western will be changing anything in their process of inviting applicants for interviews next year like Queens did this year. Thanks for your time and consideration.:)


yeah again as far as we know there are no immediate plans or anything like that. Of course with our new admissions site/blog we would try to make sure we notify anyone as soon as possible if such think would occur.

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Yeah, I just don't want Western to pull a Queens and just change things up randomly halfway into the application process being like surprise.


Sure, I think most people do think there were some mistakes with that - I understand their motives but I think the execution could have obviously been done a bit better. Of course now that did happen every school, including Queens, will be ultra careful in the near future to prevent something similar from occurring. I know the event was very stressful for everyone applying :)

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