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Anyone feel like they messed up a few stations?

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I thought I was the only one with this feeling. I might have been a bit too aggressive in my first station. One of the actors in the other station was not really displaying emotions that I could work off of even though the prompt was pretty serious. I started thinking she was pitying my lack of ability to deal with the situation. Before going in, the waiting room was pretty nerve-wracking as well. Everyone seemed to be extroverted and fully confident while I shied away and stuck to my corner.

Come on May...come by quicker

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I thought I was the only one with this feeling. I might have been a bit too aggressive in my first station. One of the actors in the other station was not really displaying emotions that I could work off of even though the prompt was pretty serious. I started thinking she was pitying my lack of ability to deal with the situation. Before going in, the waiting room was pretty nerve-wracking as well. Everyone seemed to be extroverted and fully confident while I shied away and stuck to my corner.

Come on May...come by quicker


Me too :o


One of the actors was giving me weird looks while I was talking, which makes me think I said something completely off-track... :(

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haha I felt like I messed up ALL the stations. During most of them, I just felt like I was rambling on and on. And in one of the stations, I finished early, and the interviewer would NOT communicate with me at all... awkward!

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