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Just wondering how many ppl actually chose UTSG over UTM. Some of my friends told me to chose "either" in that survey because strictly choosing st. george may hinder my chances? I realize that adcom said it doesn't affect it but a neuronic pre-med, i'd just like to see how other people choose. thanks :)

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They told us that only deborah will have access to the preference list. This will be conducted completely independently of the ranked admissions list. This way, the preference list doesn't come into play until the admissions decisions are made.

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it definitely won't hinder your chances..


i guarantee that UofT would rather have a class of their top picks and force some people to go to UTM that may have preferred STG vs. having a class that is not made up of their top picks, but with less people 'inconvenienced' by location

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Sounds like a bad idea to choose "either" when you're actually in favour of one particular choice.


Say you actually want UTSG but told them Either. If you're high on the list, but most other people below you chose UTSG, you might be placed at UTM since they think you don't care where you go. To them, that'd maximize people's 1st choice based on the surveys.

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Yeah, it was repeated multiple times in the interview training sessions, the academy ranking is completely independent from the admission rank list. If the entire rank list has people who prefer UTSG then the bottom ~50 will be placed at UTM. If your friends who placed "either" get in, they will likely be placed at UTM.

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Sounds like a bad idea to choose "either" when you're actually in favour of one particular choice.


Say you actually want UTSG but told them Either. If you're high on the list, but most other people below you chose UTSG, you might be placed at UTM since they think you don't care where you go. To them, that'd maximize people's 1st choice based on the surveys.



I don't understand the logic of choosing "either" when you actually don't really want to go to one of the locations.

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thanks guys for the responses. UT is my top choice so i don't want anything to result in me not getting in...

i was thinking in terms of say you have 2 equally good applicants but one chose UTM and the other chose UTSG. they still have spots for UTM open while majority of the ppl chose UTSG. do you think based on this, they will give the last spot to the person choosing UTM? that's what i was worried about.

same goes with the financial aid application. do you think UT will discriminate against people who are applying to their new bursary? because they want to ensure that their class will have 100% chance of finishing the 4 years so there's no "waste" of having someone drop out due to financial troubles? i think some schools in the states might have this mentality?

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Not a chance. They mentioned time and time again that the bursary process and the campus assignment is completely independent of admissions decisions. They will make admissions decisions based on (1) pre-interview assessment and (2) the interview. Once these decisions are made they will look at campus preferences and make the assignments. If you notice, what preference you had has absolutely no impact on the decision because the only thing that matters is making it into the top 259 based on criteria 1+2.


Same for the bursaries, they are conducted in a separate process from admissions decisions..they mentioned that on interview day and there is no reason to believe otherwise. We would all have access to LOCs and provincial loans that cover our costs so it shouldn't be a worry for the schools.

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Yeah, it was repeated multiple times in the interview training sessions, the academy ranking is completely independent from the admission rank list. If the entire rank list has people who prefer UTSG then the bottom ~50 will be placed at UTM. If your friends who placed "either" get in, they will likely be placed at UTM.


Are you sure it's like this (i.e. bottom ranked may not get their first choice)?


Deborah on her blog said it might be random:


Hi Deborah,


I was wondering what would happen in the case that the number of people ranking MAM as their first choice preference – among those who are offered admission – is not sufficient to fill the entire capacity. Would there be a lottery among those with the UTSG preference to fill up the remaining spots at UTM? Is such a situation even possible?




on February 22, 2011 at 4:10 pm | Replyutmedadmissions

Hello LA. In the ideal world we will find we have enough applicants on our offer list to fill each campus with either first choice or no preference. If we exhaust the first choice and no preference for one campus, with spaces left unfilled, then we will have to do a random alottment for the empty spaces. As we’ve said, our goal is to maximise student choice in this process, but we cannot guarantee first choice of campus. Either way, all students are getting a UofT medical education and degree.

(bold emphasis mine)

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yeah, i think random lottery makes way more sense.

Why would they want to 'concentrate' a high number of bottom feeders from the list? (assuming not enough people want MAM).


Although in reality, the people at the bottom are as good as the people at the top of the list.

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I would guess that Deborah was assuming that the Campus assignment process would be analagous to the Academy assignment process (if that is indeed how they assign academies, its just a rumor), since this is the first time ever that they have to do campus assignment. The dean mentioned that it would go by the ranked listing, those at the top get their preference first.

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This process isn't unique to toronto, my understanding is that Western goes about their campus assignment the same way.


Good question about the Academy assignment though...I'm still not entirely sure how they do it and it seems that few people are actually informed of the process. The 3-2-1 ballot system suggested in another thread didn't really make sense to me because, in theory, everyone could receive their last choice. They already have an Academy process in place and, for all we know, they may switch this to the Campus assignment method as well. However, based on nothing, I would assume that they keep whatever process they are currently using.

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yeah, i think random lottery makes way more sense.

Why would they want to 'concentrate' a high number of bottom feeders from the list? (assuming not enough people want MAM).


Although in reality, the people at the bottom are as good as the people at the top of the list.


I don't really get what you mean. What I gather is that the admissions committee is blinded to campus selection until decisions have been made. Offers from the waitlist will be made for the academy that the previous decline had an offer at.


PS - your little disclaimer line at the end of your post wasn't really enough to buffer the 'bottom feeders' comment. That was really uncalled for, especially considering the fact that you were rejected off of the waitlist last year. I met a lot of great people at my interview and I wouldn't consider any of them 'bottom feeders' even though statistically, less than 2 in 3 of each of these people will be admitted.


Hope I didn't come off too harsh here, not my intention, but I know that this forum can kick the crap out of some peoples' confidence.

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lol, seriously sorry about that. I do, in fact, consider myself to be placed in that pile - at least in last year's cycle.


And, as other's point out - those that lie in the bottom sometimes have an extremely small difference in scores compared to the 'top' people.


I recognize that the term bottom feeders might have been harsh, and for that, I apologize.

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