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Mcat - No Calculator?!?!?!


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Haha, don't worry bud, it's not that bad. Might help to memorize a couple things though. I memorized square root of 2 and 3 and a couple sin and cos values for 30/60/90 triangles... but that was basically it. Most of the questions give answer options different enough that you can do some rounding and approximation.


ps. My friend didn't know you weren't allowed a calculator and he brought one and used it the entire time and never got caught. He asked me why I was bother to memorize square roots and stuff and I told him we aren't allowed calculators and he almost crapped his pants :) ....he didn't do very well anyways though, rewrote it without the calculator and did better (not that that means calculators make you do worse ooobviously :s)

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Haha, don't worry bud, it's not that bad. Might help to memorize a couple things though. I memorized square root of 2 and 3 and a couple sin and cos values for 30/60/90 triangles... but that was basically it. Most of the questions give answer options different enough that you can do some rounding and approximation.


ps. My friend didn't know you weren't allowed a calculator and he brought one and used it the entire time and never got caught. He asked me why I was bother to memorize square roots and stuff and I told him we aren't allowed calculators and he almost crapped his pants :) ....he didn't do very well anyways though, rewrote it without the calculator and did better (not that that means calculators make you do worse ooobviously :s)


If you get the Examkrackers book on verbal and math, they have a bunch of rules to make the calculations much easier. And Jake is right, you really need to rely on rounding figures and memorizing certain values, the MCAT does not test you on complex calculations....if you are finding complex calculations, you are probably doing something wrong.

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