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Sample Interview Questions

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So i've been reading a lot of posts regarding interview prep materials. I didn't buy or use any of those... I scrounged a compilation of questions from people's past interviews. I reasoned my way through each of them for practice, just talking to myself. Check em out, they definately helped me out.



I also spent a good bit of time with this article: http://www.jdentaled.org/cgi/reprint/71/5/664


Carol’s questions 2007

1. Suppose you are working part-time in a gift store. You are still new, but your boss tells you that you’re in charge for the day because s/he and your coworkers must deal with a personal matter. You are unsure about how to use the cash register. What would you do?

2. We all make mistakes. Recall a time when you made a mistake.

3. Recall a time when you were really stressed out and tell me how you handled it.

4. Your two group members have been bickering over a project and its now at a point where it looks like your group won’t be able to complete the assignment. What would you do?

5. Recall a time when you had difficulty communicating your feelings/thoughts to someone.

6. What do you do for fun?

7. When did you know you wanted to do dentistry?

8. If you could meet a famous person, dead or alive, who would it be? And if you could ask one question, what would it be?

9. Tell me about yourself?


Geoff's 2007

1) You are taking a tough stats course, you friend is having trouble and is constantly relying on you. You’ve practically done the last few assignments for your friend and don’t want this to continue. What do you do?

2) You are working in a group and 2 people are constantly bickering and slowing down the progress of the group. What do you do?

3) You are working in a group and you are slowing down the progress of the group because of a lack of understanding of the material. What do you do?

4) A friend wants to drop out of school to go traveling, but you don’t think he should. What do you do?

5) A customer comes into your store upset and claims to have been overcharged. You did the transaction and know there was no problem. What do you do?

6) You have just started working at a small gift shop and the boss is going away for the day to deal with some personal issues. You aren’t confident in working the till and running the store. What do you do?

7) Give a time had a lot of stress. What you do??

Leadership (initiative, quick learner), Communication, Compassionate – in the summer of 2003, I applied for a student clinical researcher position at a

8) Time someone undermined your abilities. How you act?

Communication (how to handle criticism)

9) Time you overstepped your boundary?

10) Time problem in group dynamics?

11) Time someone didn’t acknowledge something you did for them?

12) Time there was a conflict, how you resolve it?

13) Personal conflict/Time management?


Stacey’s questions 2007

1. Often at times you are asked to keep authority figures up to date with your progress on certain tasks. Describe such a situation and how you went about keeping them up to date.

 Follow up: What modes of communication did you use?

2. You are overloaded with work and are very stressed out and your professor asks you take on more work then you can handle. What do you do?

 Follow up: If you could do anything different would you?

3. Describe a situation where an authority figure asks you to do something that you think is wrong. What did you do?

 Follow up: Did the authority figure immediately agree with you?

4. Describe a situation where you were asked to make a judgment call on something, what did you do?

5. A task or assignment is ambiguous and you are unsure what to do. How do you handle the situation?

6. Describe a situation in which one of your friends or coworkers is angry or upset at you because of something you did.

 Follow up: Did you feel in control in this situation?

7. Describe a time when you had to work in a team and the group dynamics were very bad everyone was arguing all the time. How did you handle the situation?


Geoff's2007 Questions

1. You and fellow workers are pissed off at your employer because he’s acting negatively towards the customers. What do you do?

2. You’re in a chemistry lab, synthesizing a chemical? And 3 people tell you how to do something, what do you do?

3. Tell us a time when your dealing with a group dynamic and you had to solve a problem?

4. Tell us a time you where someone asked you to do something you didn’t feel comfortable doing and how did you act?

5. Tell us a time where you overcommitted to a prof about working in a lab and what did you do?

6. Your friend didn’t get an interview to dental school, your good friends and you both wanted it bad, and you did, what do you do?

7. You have three interviews, and you **** them all up. You had a fourth, and you still **** it up. What do you do?


Aaron’s 2007 Questions

1. You have an alcoholic roommate. You think he has a drinking problem but he insists that you’re over-reacting. One morning, you see him pouring himself a drink of rum and orange juice. What do you do?

2. Tell me a time you had to deal with a person in a position of authority

3. Tell me a time when you had to help someone in a situation they were having trouble

4. Tell me a time when someone asked you for advice

5. Tell me a time when you had a problem in group work

6. Tell me a time when your personal life interfered with your work life

7. A friend sends you an email; you open it and see that it has the questions for your upcoming exam. By accident, you happen to read some of them. What do you do?.


Chow’s 2007 Questions

1. You’ve recently been rejected by three interviews. You just had your fourth one and you felt good about it. However you find out later that you have been rejected as well, what do you do?

2. You have to present your research project to the ethics board, and your professor has a lot of confidence in you, but you are not too sure of yourself, what do you do?

3. Your boss’ method of communication to customers is very negative. You and your fellow co-workers don’t feel good about it, what do you do?

4. Tell me about a time you used your good judgment to do a task?

5. Tell me a time when you had trouble learning from a professor, what did you do?

6. Tell me a time when you worked in groups and had trouble with group dynamics?

7. Tell me a time you had over-commit to a professor and had extra work with him and on top of that school work, what did you do?


Jeff’s 2007 questions

1. Your roommate is really sloppy and you’re a neat freak, what do you do?

2. You’re stuck in traffic and your late for a meeting, what do you do?

3. Tell me about a time you made a mistake that hurt someone you cared for?

4. Recently, one of your friends has become uncharacteristically unhappy, depressed, won’t speak unless spoken too. Your circle of friends are making up rumors, what do you do?

5. A professor came up to you to tell you a student claimed a TA in the course marked an assignment unfairly, what do you do?

6. You are working at a retail store and your boss is stealing a portion of your earnings as well as the other co-workers, just enough that none of you can reach your weekly quota/earnings. What do you do?

7. Why dentistry? Why you want to be a dentist?


min’s 2007 questions

1. Describe a situation where you had to teach a difficult concept to someone.

2. You did poorly on a recent presentation. How do you prep for the one coming up in the next month?

3. You’ve got accepted to two dental schools, how do you choose?

4. A couple nights before the exam your preparing for, received an email from friends of yours, after reading it, you figure it consist of questions for the exam. You have had read some already, but you already feel prepared for the exam, what do you do?

5. Describe a situation where your work commitment was sacrificed because of disturbance from someone around you?

6. You have an alcoholic roommate, before you leave for school; you see your friend pour rum into orange juice. What do you do?

7. Tell me a time when authority told you to do something, but you did it another way.


Jaclyn 2006 Questions

1. Give a time when a personal situation distracted you from completing your work load.

2. Give a time when an authority figure was unfair. How did you deal with it?

3. What would you do if you’re realized that your roommate was drinking excessively?

4. What would you do if you had prepared for a test the next day and accidentally came upon a copy of the exam? You threw it out after reading some of the questions and realizing what it was you were reading.

5. Give a time when someone/people's behavior misconduct was distracting you from completing a task.

6. Why U of T/western?

7. If you had 2 weeks to complete a presentation, how would you go about dealing with it?


Lani’s 2007 Interview questions

1. You need to get help from a professor but he is never available to meet with you and is impossible to get a hold of. What do you do?

2. You have two papers due and you procrastinate and can’t finish either one. What do you do?

3. Some choices we make in life are neither right nor wrong. Describe a choice that you’ve made that pertains to this statement.

4. You have a presentation tomorrow and you are not ready. What do you do?

5. You’re a T.A. and while marking exams you notice that many of the students have answered a specific question incorrectly because of ambiguity in the question. What do you do?

6. Describe a time when you felt undermined by someone.

7. You have a friend that has become very unhappy, negative, unsociable, depressed. All of your friends have noticed and are talking about this person. Note: Your friend has never been like this before…What do you do?

8. Describe a situation in which you were overwhelmed with many things at once and had an additional stress to deal with on top of everything else.


Schure’s Interview Questions- April 23/06

1. You are working on presentation with someone and you don’t agree with something they are doing. What do you do?

2. You are working in a store, when the person who is supposed to work the next shift calls in sick. Feeling bad for your manager, you offer to cover the shift. Later that night, you see the person who called in sick out partying. What do you do?

3. You are asked to give a presentation; however, if you accept the invitation, you will be unable to complete an assignment for school. What do you do?

4. Life consists of many choices. Tell me a time when you had to make a choice that was neither right nor wrong.

5. Tell me a time when you were working on something that was both challenging and frustrating.

6. Tell me a time when someone betrayed your trust.

7. You are working on a group project. You submit your portion of the assignment to your group members. All of them seem to like it, except for one person who seems to heavily criticize it. What do you do?

8. What other extra-curricular activities are you involved with?

9. Do you read?

10. Why do you want to be a dentist?

11. Any questions for us?


Tracey’s 2006 Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you used your communication skills and there was a problem (or something like that)

2. 2 essays are due tomorrow and due to your procrastination you are unable to complete either of them. What do you do?

3. Describe a time when you thought your mark was below that of what you deserved and what you did about it.

4. You are a TA and your professor wants you to remark an essay that was marked by another TA. What do you do?

5. Describe a time when someone was dishonest in front of you.

6. You are working in a group with 2 other people and they are talking the whole time you are working. What do you do?

7. Describe a time when you were working with someone and you were working quickly and they were super slow. What did you do?

8. What are your hobbies?

9. Why do you want to be a dentist?

10. Any questions for us?

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I've been thinking about the types of questions regarding catching someone cheating or lying. I feel like I'm caught between approaching the person myself or going past them and telling who in charge ie. a manager/supervisor or teacher. I feel like avoiding the person and just telling on them wouldn't be right because I would want to try to solve the problem directly first before getting other people involved. But, at the same time I feel that it would be important for an authority figure to know so that this person can learn the consequences of their actions and not just slip through the loop.

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I've been thinking about the types of questions regarding catching someone cheating or lying. I feel like I'm caught between approaching the person myself or going past them and telling who in charge ie. a manager/supervisor or teacher. I feel like avoiding the person and just telling on them wouldn't be right because I would want to try to solve the problem directly first before getting other people involved. But, at the same time I feel that it would be important for an authority figure to know so that this person can learn the consequences of their actions and not just slip through the loop.


In my opinion it is better to confront that person first yourself, this shows that you a honest and someone who has integrity since you are trying to resolve the problem just by being honest first instead of being a "rat" and going straight to the authority figure. Often times the problem can be solved just by talking to the person, there doesn't have to be an authority figure to involved for that person to learn his lesson, you can make him realize his mistake just by talking to him and you never know (maybe hes just having a bad day!).

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These questions are presumably for the CDA format, am I correct?


More or less, yes. They are all worded how they were remembered, so they may not be exactly word-for-word... but you should be able to get a handle on what is being asked. There are some with more than 7 questions, those are some traditional type questions asked by the interviewers.... presumably. My interview at UBC was like this, they asked some informal questions following the CDA questions

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