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Clerkship @ UWO

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The aspects of our clerkship that I loved were:


1. we complete all our core rotations in our third year so that we have time to adjust our electives to get us ready for CaRMS (some people in my class decided that their last core rotation was what they wanted to specialize in - if they had those rotations during the end of 4th year they might have ended up in something that wouldn't make them as happy)


2. our rotation leaders listen to our concerns with our learning and work with us to improve it on a regular basis


3. we are encouraged to write our own orders - though we now have to have our orders signed, the culture at the hospitals is *mostly* that clerks write the orders then a resident co-signs them


4. for medicine and surgery, we are first call to the floor. For gyne and paeds we do all the admissions/consults in emerg


5. the services pay attention to service/education and try to give us a balance between the two - clerks are expected by the consultants to be an active part of the team


6. Windsor is even better than London since there are fewer learners/consultant though the experiences may be different (obs in better in Windsor, ENT in London)


7. third year is core rotations with some selective choices, all organized by a central admin so you usually know where you are going for rotations and aren't scrambling


8. our fourth year electives run sept - dec so you look brilliant when getting carms letters since you've done all your core rotations already


9. we have back to basics type classes that run Jan - Apr with time off for interviews


There are downsides too, but from what I can tell they're the same as most programs. I'm really happy that I chose UWO simply based on my clerkship experience.

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Just pointing out that UofT has implemented a similar schedule with regards to clerkship :P


copycats :)


ok, seriously this is exactly what happens - schools develop their own approach and if it works and is logical other start picking it up as well. All the schools cross talked that way and it really works out to the benefit of all students. It is one of the reasons Canadian medical schools are all consistently good schools.

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