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What does Western prioritize?

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Hey guys,


I would like to ask anyone who is familiar with Western's admission process as to what they usually prioritize in an application? I have heard that if you meet all the cut offs (all MCAT sections, GPA) then you will be guaranteed an interview, but not sure if this is in fact true. Also, how much are your extracurriculars (eg. volunteering, clubs, research, etc) taken into play here? Are they just mainly to judge character during the interview stage?


Thanks a bunch,


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Meeting GPA/MCAT = guaranteed interview.


Interview is closed file. ECs are not assessed, but are likely very important to your interview score.


Combination of Interview/GPA/MCAT to determine final ranking.


yup indeed - as far as well know that is bang on :)

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Yep, unless you are from the SWO region (I forget their exact definition of this, but you can find it on their web site)


I guess to be complete they are strict on the swomen cut offs as well as per their definitions for that - they are just different cut offs :)

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