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OOP movement

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you are joking that is very mean... If not, holy crap that is freaking awesome!!!



Hey Jake,


Dr. Moreau told my group that they accept only 1 OOP from the 2/3 year pool each year... So if you get an acceptance come May 13th, that's such an amazing Honor. I'm hoping the best for you!

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Hey Jake,


Dr. Moreau told my group that they accept only 1 OOP from the 2/3 year pool each year... So if you get an acceptance come May 13th, that's such an amazing Honor. I'm hoping the best for you!


Oh man, that would be an amazing honor, but a pretty slim probability. Thanks for the info! Hope = somewhat dashed

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Oh man, that would be an amazing honor, but a pretty slim probability. Thanks for the info! Hope = somewhat dashed



Oh no I didn't want your hope gone! I'm sorry man! Youve made it this far, I really think you have a great shot! Just wait and hope for the best on May 13th

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Oh no I didn't want your hope gone! I'm sorry man! Youve made it this far, I really think you have a great shot! Just wait and hope for the best on May 13th


Haha no worries. I was surprised and honored just to be able to interview there. I really like U of A though, much more than expected. I just thought my odds were slightly better than that, 1 is a daunting number, haha. Thanks for the encouragement, though. Congrats on the crap load of interviews ya got there, I don't know much about you but if you can land interviews at all those schools I am sure you're an excellent candidate (seeing all schools have different definitions of excellent candidates and you, clearly, have been found worthy for interview by 5 different canadian schools --> excellent in many different areas). I hope May treats you well :)

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That does look frightening, but it shouldn't scare you. You seriously sound like a very very competitive applicant. UofA really is a wonderful school and a wonderful program as well. UofA is beautiful in the summer/spring/fall. You kind of forget this during the winter.


And thanks Jake! That is so wonderful of you to say. I hope the best for you as well! I know its much more difficult if you're in 3rd year, but it seems like you're doing great this cycle. I hope May 13th brings joy to you, which I'm sure it will. Good luck and I know I'll see good news from you from at least one school this cycle.


Haha no worries. I was surprised and honored just to be able to interview there. I really like U of A though, much more than expected. I just thought my odds were slightly better than that, 1 is a daunting number, haha. Thanks for the encouragement, though. Congrats on the crap load of interviews ya got there, I don't know much about you but if you can land interviews at all those schools I am sure you're an excellent candidate (seeing all schools have different definitions of excellent candidates and you, clearly, have been found worthy for interview by 5 different canadian schools --> excellent in many different areas). I hope May treats you well :)
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Hey Jake,


Dr. Moreau told my group that they accept only 1 OOP from the 2/3 year pool each year... So if you get an acceptance come May 13th, that's such an amazing Honor. I'm hoping the best for you!



Guys, keep in mind that we don't know how many OOP 2/3 year applicants were invited to the interview. Could be that out of the ~70 OOP's invited to the interview there were only ten 2/3 year applicants. Who knows?


haha What I'm trying to say is that we don't have enough information to know our chances at this point. But, I agree with Hopeful's comment that regardless of the outcome, if we've made it to the interview, that's already a great accomplishment!


P.S. As you might have guessed, I am also one of those OOP 2/3 years ... haha

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Guys, keep in mind that we don't know how many OOP 2/3 year applicants were invited to the interview. Could be that out of the ~70 OOP's invited to the interview there were only ten 2/3 year applicants. Who knows?


haha What I'm trying to say is that we don't have enough information to know our chances at this point. But, I agree with Hopeful's comment that regardless of the outcome, if we've made it to the interview, that's already a great accomplishment!


P.S. As you might have guessed, I am also one of those OOP 2/3 years ... haha


Congrats as well dude, that's a damn good accomplishment. Lets hope May 13th brings good news to you as well!


But I fully agree. I doubt they interviewed too many 2/3 year OOP. So I don't think it's a 1/20 chance. But needless. It's darn competitive.

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Guys, keep in mind that we don't know how many OOP 2/3 year applicants were invited to the interview. Could be that out of the ~70 OOP's invited to the interview there were only ten 2/3 year applicants. Who knows?


haha What I'm trying to say is that we don't have enough information to know our chances at this point. But, I agree with Hopeful's comment that regardless of the outcome, if we've made it to the interview, that's already a great accomplishment!


P.S. As you might have guessed, I am also one of those OOP 2/3 years ... haha


Haha, I'm yet another one of the OOP2/3 years... Nice to meet you, jake and gwun :) High five for making it this far!

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I think they take more than one... before I applied I remember one of my friends who was OOP 2/3 year saying there were 10-15 people interviewed for 2-3 spots?? Maybe times have changed. We have between 25-30 2/3 years in my class, there has to be more than one that is OOP... good luck!

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