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Physical Chem w/ Lab @ UofT


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I'm wondering what course UofT A&S (St.George) students are taking to fulfill the physical chemistry with laboratory component that some medical schools have. My first thought was CHM220 but it doesn't have a lab component.


Anyone have any input?


Thanks in advance :)

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hey dragonX, I took chm217. It's not as bad as people say, but you just have to keep up with homework etc like all the other courses. If you have specific questions, feel free to PM me.


I also tried taking CHM220, but ended up dropping it after the first midterm. It's very heavily based on math and formulas and derivatives from what I remember...

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Thanks for your replies everyone :)!


@ liverpool: Unfortunately, there isn't a 'general chemistry' course at UTSG :P


@ Shikimate: Hm, do you happen to know the course codes/evaluation breakdown for these alternate courses at UTM/UTSG?


@ Deliciousmelon: Thanks! I'll send you a PM ;)

Edit: I sent you an e-mail. It won't let me send you a PM ..it says you opted not to receive them :(. I got yours but I can't reply!

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