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Full course load - pros and cons

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Hey all,


I was just wondering what are peoples opinions on taking a full course load. I know that you only require one year with a full course load (5 full courses). However, this year I have been taking only 4 full courses (i.e. 8 half courses). Are there any disadvantages to this in regards to my application? Others have been telling me different things. I was told that not taking a full course load hurts your application as if they're implying that it's looked down upon, which I'm kind of skeptical about. Thoughts?

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Let me be more specific. Say there are two applicants. Applicant A in every year took a full course load. Applicant B only took one year of a full course, and the rest of the years he did not but he was still a full time student. Why would B's application be treated the same as A's when A clearly took a harder route? This question is specific to U of A hence it's posted in this part of the forum. I think U of A's particular weighting formula takes off a lower year regardless if you did or did not take full course load in every year as long it wasn't the most recent or only year where that full course load was taken.

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Let me be more specific. Say there are two applicants. Applicant A in every year took a full course load. Applicant B only took one year of a full course, and the rest of the years he did not but he was still a full time student. Why would B's application be treated the same as A's when A clearly took a harder route? This question is specific to U of A hence it's posted in this part of the forum. I think U of A's particular weighting formula takes off a lower year regardless if you did or did not take full course load in every year as long it wasn't the most recent or only year where that full course load was taken.


It would be treated the same. The adcom doesn't actually see your transcripts. The registrar does and makes their calculations. As long as you have met that requirement of one full year, then theyll do their calculations and send over your gpa to the med faculty.

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