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A friend told me about this forum after I expressed my concern of the possibility of never getting into medicine.



Any current u of c students who didn't make it in on their first try have any words of encouragement?




No interview this yr, horrible personal/health circumstances tanked my last semester prior to aps.

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One rejection is nothing. Keep your wits about you and focus-focus-focus on that mcat. Your grades are workable and your activity score is pretty decent. Keep doing things that will improve your activities, and study hard for that mcat this time 'round.

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yes, it is workable. one word of caution: EC scores and ref scores are the areas that are most likely to vary from year to year, and this has a greater impact on you if your GPA is on the lower side. Just because you got 19 this year does not mean it is 19 next year. In comparison, your GPA will hold +/- very little unless there is a drastic change. MCAT is another area where you can make or break yourself and you know ahead of time if it helps or hinders your total score. Good for you for being persistent and choosing to rewrite. Study hard and you will be OK!


Good luck!


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You're going to be just fine. My first time applying my scores were a lot worse than yours (my corresponding stats also were a lot worse). My 2nd time applying improved somewhat. My 3rd time applying I got an interview. I know it sucks to think you'll never get in, but it's really a matter of time and it can take a lot of persistence, just make sure you know it's what you want to do and I am certain that you will make it in eventually. In the meantime, I recommend that you enjoy what you have so far in your life and not to worry about when you'll get into med school; you have your entire life to be a doctor.

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A friend told me about this forum after I expressed my concern of the possibility of never getting into medicine.



Any current u of c students who didn't make it in on their first try have any words of encouragement?




No interview this yr, horrible personal/health circumstances tanked my last semester prior to aps.

I am so with you my friend...I already have a degree (BScN) for last 10 years. GPA was 3.7. Many years volunteering and holding leadership positions. I have been a RN in ICU, ER and also taught in a BScN program for 2 years. My MCAT was poor. Great references. Now I am taking physics, chem and biology this spring to improve my score.It has been 20 years since high school.You just have to keep going. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband who support me. You know you want this...everyone does. I want it because I love medicine and being an RN just isn't enough anymore.

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