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Electives for next year at Yorku


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Hi guys,


I am about to finish first year at york university and will be choosing courses for 2nd year in the near future. I am hoping to choose some easy/bird electives that I am able to get an A+ in. I know there's been another post on this, but I am hoping to get more answers in this post. I know some poster in the other thread posted some psychology courses such as motivaton and abnormal psych? I was hoping to get know the name of the proff as well. So if you guys don't mind, if you could write a few sentences on courses that you thought were easy, and the proff that you took it with, and courses that you would not reccomend, I would really appreciate it :P



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ECON 1900 - Introduction to Economics for non-Economic Majors. Taught by Avi Cohen. I took it with him in the 2009/2010 school year.


It was the first time this course was taught. Great prof (he wrote the textbook), easy A/A+ and actually gave me an interest in Economics, which I still have.



From my experience, there are many courses at York that can be bird or non-bird courses, depending on the prof. Look at the prof that will be teaching the course and his/her ratings on ratemyprofs before choosing any course. Worked for me


I took Abnormal Psych and did not think it was a bird course. What are you majoring in? Maybe i could give you some ideas of the best courses/profs to choose

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i took adms 1000, and I thought that was a nice course. you basically read a textbook (one chapter a week), I though the course was amazing and informative.


a friend did take economics for non majors, and she got an easy A+.. so yea that course is easy enough. but you cant take microecon if you take that.


I heard psyc courses are alright, but I only heard that.. not from experience.


I think at york, the stupid 90 + = A+ Rule is annoying, because if we end up with an 87 then thats just a simple A.. a mear 3.8.


do you guys have any experience with 3rd, 4th year biol courses? I need to know how microbiol and virology is

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What proff did you have at ADMS 1000? and is it a fairly doable A+ course?


ya adms 1000 is alright so far ( as I am doing this and preping for its this coming april 7th.


It can be seen as a bird course cuz there are only two assesments.

-a 60% exam ( final)

-40% open-book/notes ( no electronics though) midterm


Though it was openbook, the questions are essay like, basically your taught a theory, and during the midterm your giving an article , and using the article as evidence you have to explain and back your theory as an essay.


Even though it was open book, no one actually got above 90 in our section, and I think only two people got A's. That's my word of caution.


Assuming your some sort of science major ( psych,kine,bio etc.), why not take a NATS course. Personally I feel all the bird courses, are usually the courses with dry, material and monotone professors which practically kill any appreciation towards the topic. ---> tihs is based on first year so ya not too sure.And did you try the legendary film course ( its 3 credits and online).


If you go to yorku bird courses, you can see the list, and you can post on the discussion wall for more information.

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Hi guys,


I am about to finish first year at york university and will be choosing courses for 2nd year in the near future. I am hoping to choose some easy/bird electives that I am able to get an A+ in. I know there's been another post on this, but I am hoping to get more answers in this post. I know some poster in the other thread posted some psychology courses such as motivaton and abnormal psych? I was hoping to get know the name of the proff as well. So if you guys don't mind, if you could write a few sentences on courses that you thought were easy, and the proff that you took it with, and courses that you would not reccomend, I would really appreciate it :P





Social Psych with James Check. Go to lectures, read the textbook. A+ for sure..but make sure you go to lectures because he'll essentially tell you what he will test.


Human Physiology I (KINE 2011) with Gillian Wu (I hear she's retiring though) and Olivier Birot ... pretty basic for a bio major or really anyone with a solid background in Grade 12 bio/biol 1010 cellular stuff.


Acting for Non-Majors with Aleksander Lukac... ridiculously fun and if you volunteer to be the person who gets the emails for the class and does the attendance you're guaranteed an A+...it's a good experience for science majors wanting to get out there and REALLY ENJOY a non-science course...

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ugh I took that acting course in first year, and had to drop it because I kept getting B+'s on my journals! Honestly I found macroecon to be easier.


Wu is retiring? That sucks...she is amazing and hilarious!


I think it honestly depends on your TA. Aleks is an awesome guy... he's really understanding and the journals are simply BS.


Yeah I can't believe Wu is retiring, I wanted to take Immune System with her! She's pretty easy too!


What year/major are you in, btw?

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I had Michael Kelly. Maybe it just wasn't my thing...although I noticed that every single person got 7/10 for the journals except for one 8/10.


I'm a 4th year psych major...you?


Was at UTSG first year, then Psych first semester at York and now I'm going on with Kine haha...soo I don't really know what year I'm classified as!

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Assuming your some sort of science major ( psych,kine,bio etc.), why not take a NATS course. Personally I feel all the bird courses, are usually the courses with dry, material and monotone professors which practically kill any appreciation towards the topic. ---> tihs is based on first year so ya not too sure.And did you try the legendary film course ( its 3 credits and online).


I don't know about psych or kine majors, but NATS courses do not count towards credits for bio majors. Plus, if you taken a bio course, you will be not allowed into some of the bio NATS courses.

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I took it with Mills and it was easy. I have a couple friends taking it with Charlton right now and they said she's easy/good. I've taken a course with her before too (not health) and got an A+. Maybe psych just isn't your thing?


Oh and to the OP- I forgot to mention cognition before. It was open book, multiple choice exams and lecture notes only. Actually.


just wondering what course are you talking about ? and maybe if you remember the professor as well!

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I took it with Mills and it was easy. I have a couple friends taking it with Charlton right now and they said she's easy/good. I've taken a course with her before too (not health) and got an A+. Maybe psych just isn't your thing?


Oh and to the OP- I forgot to mention cognition before. It was open book, multiple choice exams and lecture notes only. Actually.


LOL I took cognition too... ended up dropping it after the first class. That class was soooo much work for an elective!


and yes psych isn't for me... its too much work for just an A

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I took it with Mills and it was easy. I have a couple friends taking it with Charlton right now and they said she's easy/good. I've taken a course with her before too (not health) and got an A+. Maybe psych just isn't your thing?


Oh and to the OP- I forgot to mention cognition before. It was open book, multiple choice exams and lecture notes only. Actually.


Who did you take cognition with? and any other courses you'd reccomend for an easy mark? even with some fair share of work that aren't necessarily psych?

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I don't know about psych or kine majors, but NATS courses do not count towards credits for bio majors. Plus, if you taken a bio course, you will be not allowed into some of the bio NATS courses.


for more details about this, you can't take biology related NATS courses SC/NATS 1610, 1620, 1640, 1660, 1670, 1680, 1690, 1695, 1800A, 1850 (formerly 1800J), 2700. , but you are allowed to take the non biology nats ( example NATS 1700)



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for more details about this, you can't take biology related NATS courses SC/NATS 1610, 1620, 1640, 1660, 1670, 1680, 1690, 1695, 1800A, 1850 (formerly 1800J), 2700. , but you are allowed to take the non biology nats ( example NATS 1700)




LOL never knew that.... THANKS!

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Hi guys,


I am about to finish first year at york university and will be choosing courses for 2nd year in the near future. I am hoping to choose some easy/bird electives that I am able to get an A+ in. I know there's been another post on this, but I am hoping to get more answers in this post. I know some poster in the other thread posted some psychology courses such as motivaton and abnormal psych? I was hoping to get know the name of the proff as well. So if you guys don't mind, if you could write a few sentences on courses that you thought were easy, and the proff that you took it with, and courses that you would not reccomend, I would really appreciate it :P




I'm finishing my first year there too :)

Psych doesn't seem too hard, my friend is barely studying and getting 79s so i'm sure if you put a tad of effort in it it could easy be an A/A+.

Do it with Jubis.

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Jubis likes to write on the chalkboard, lol. I had her for research methods and wasn't a fan. However Mongrain is AMAZING! One of my favourite profs ever.


I love the chalkboard thing, it tells you exactly what she's going to test you on lol love profs who give away key elements.

I actually dropped psych though so I guess I'll look into mongrain when I decide to take it again. :P

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I hope you consider it! She is so good and the exams are decently easy. Also on the short answer she asks the most ridiculous questions...I specifically remember one where we had to list 3 ways to be healthy, i.e. eat fruit and veggies, exercise regularly, and sleep 8 hours a night. Actually. She's also really engaging and makes the class interactive- very talented professor!


Thats her way of making the class fun for her too. Shes been teaching 4 psych1010 classes every year... I've heard she repeats the jokes in every class lol... but damnnnn teaching the same thing 4 times a week can get really boring. She loves it tho. Also she gives away the SA questions in class... but even if she didn't, I would have asked my friends from other sections... they are the same for all the sections.

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Thats her way of making the class fun for her too. Shes been teaching 4 psych1010 classes every year... I've heard she repeats the jokes in every class lol... but damnnnn teaching the same thing 4 times a week can get really boring. She loves it tho. Also she gives away the SA questions in class... but even if she didn't, I would have asked my friends from other sections... they are the same for all the sections.


I am split between the two, my friends swear by Jubis but I am liking the sound of Mongrain... ratemyprof time it is.

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I think you are referring to Jubis. I was talking about Mongrain, who generally only teaches one section (always Tuesdays at 11:30), and does not give away the SA lol.


rofl I knew that wasn't her SA... Jubis also uses the same SA's over years lol... maybe shes changed them now tho

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Hey guys,


I am thinking of taking Huma 2701 which is also a film course with proff kovac over the summer because I need to take it for my degree and I don't want to take a humanities course during the year due to the great number of people saying that it's extremly hard to even get an A. Anyone have suggestions on a relatively relaxed humanities course or a social science course for that matter?


P.S what about a modern reasoning course?

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