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Feeling burnt out... any suggestions?

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so it's near the end of the school year and I can't help feeling very burnt out and too lazy.

any suggestions on how to ovrecome this?


Same here pal. I just try to remember that, if finals don't work out, everything I worked for this whole year will come to nothing.

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so it's near the end of the school year and I can't help feeling very burnt out and too lazy.

any suggestions on how to ovrecome this?


Trust me, I know how you feel. No motivation to do anything.

What I do when I feel this way is try to never study alone, but study around other ppl, that way I wont waste time..

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two words: video games. Pick a great RPG, get invested into it, stop and study. Eventually you'll start wanting to finish it, and it will be your motivation to study...BECAUSE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT????


This works for me.

then u skip the entire studying aspect and focus full time on discovering WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?

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Does it help to know that others are feeling the same way? With the last of my 10 midterms tomorrow (UGG, AWFUL), I'm really having to drag myself through the motions.


is it bad that when i read this i thought "uga, uaa, uag all result in a stop codon, but ugg does not"?

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two words: video games. Pick a great RPG, get invested into it, stop and study. Eventually you'll start wanting to finish it, and it will be your motivation to study...BECAUSE WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT????


This works for me.



LOL that.did.not.work. for me...have u heard of the game Heavy rain on ps3? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Rain

there was NO WAY i could put the game down to study. no.way.

maybe buy the game,but keep it wrapped and unwrap it oonce u finish to study?? i should have done that

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LOL that.did.not.work. for me...have u heard of the game Heavy rain on ps3? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Rain

there was NO WAY i could put the game down to study. no.way.

maybe buy the game,but keep it wrapped and unwrap it oonce u finish to study?? i should have done that


I beat the entire game with friends on a 28 hour binge. Possible, and it was near exams.


Did not fail a single course :D

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Get greedy. Honestly. Go on a small shopping spree; eat unhealthy, delicious foods; take a hot bubble bath; get a new haircut; etc. Spoil yourself, take a break, and return to studying refreshed :)


omg I could never do that. Once my mind is completely away from the books its 10x harder getting back into it lol. I say no breaks! one last push.

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So effective! Seriously the best motivation I can think of. It's actually improved my grades a bit.


It really does help! I think, though, one of the best things you can do to prevent yourself from burning out is to take breaks. And I have to agree with Cnussey about "getting greedy." You need to spoil yourself sometimes (I like to give myself a deep conditioning hair-masque treatment which makes my hair smell yummy, hang out with friends, eat delicious food - this weekend I made homemade delicious vegetarian sushi, and I try to relax... heaven). If I don't take some time for myself, I get super stressed out, I forget to eat, I get stomach pains... not worth it. And, on top of it, when I go back refreshed to do my school work I feel awesome.

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