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referene letters??

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I think most schools require at least 2 reference letters from your science professors (since we don't have a pre-health advisor committee). But in my school, most of our science courses have 700+ students and it's really hard to get in cotact with professors. Do you think if i just go to their office and show my resume+transcript etc and ask for a reference letter, they'll do it for me?


I'm sure it's not the best way to get a letter, but I'ver heard someone's done this before. Can someone help me with this approach?


Or does anyone have any other ideas that I can fulfill the reference letter requirement?


thanks a lot!! your help is greatly appreciated!

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That works. But their letter will be very general "Ie Red is a good candidate for your school, he has good marks and shows high levels of intelligence and motivation". If you can, try to get a summer research course with a prof and get him or her to write a letter. If not, try lab courses, these classes tend to be smaller and you have a greater chance to interact with the instructors.

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Better yet, have the TA write it and the prof sign it :P


Some schools will also accept letters from your science TA as long as its endorsed by the Professor. I would contact the individual schools you're applying to in order to confirm this approach though. I remember having done it for a school last cycle.
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Better yet, have the TA write it and the prof sign it :P


Wait, so do you think asking a TA for a reference and getting a signature from a prof work? I'm not sure if there's a reference letter form floating here, but I guess it depends on the format of letters right? or is it all same for all schools?

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