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Last day of Interviews

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Now that they are done, how did you all find your interviews??

I'll start:


This was (in my opinion) my worst interview. It was smack in the middle of midterm season (march 5th) and I thought I could get by by merely going in there and being honest and answering off the cuff. I found out after the first couple of questions that this was a bad idea (not the being honest part, but the not preparing answers part --> duh! this is not an MMI). I knew the answers to all of their questions but I left out so much good stuff, I really didn't "sell" myself. The interviewers were very friendly, non-confrontational. Talked about seinfeld for a while, one the the two doctors that was in there ( I had 2 docs and a med student) brought up the "assman" episode and we had a good chuckle over it.


Love to hear how other people found their interviews!!

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haha.. there's no discussion here. but I'll share my interview. I had a similar experience as you jake. My panel was fairly warm (2/3 people were very nice), and I loved the first years. Talking to them before I went in really made me a lot less nervous. My problem was, when I left the interview, I felt like I didn't get to tell them much about ME. We spent a lot of time on ethical scenarios with loads of follow up questions. Personally, I don't feel very positive about my interview but it was nevertheless a good practice for next year. Hope everyone else had fun! Now it's the waiting game. Best of luck!:P

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I walked out of the interview feeling really good. But I feel that it could've been due to the fact that the interviewers were extremely nice and accommodating. Even when they were trying to challenge me with ethical scenario type questions, they did so in a very pleasant manner. I felt they had given me so many chances to talk about myself. I really hope my feeling of this interview translates into a positive result :) I'd love to have a poll set up on May 5th to see how "feeling after interview" relates to results. Good luck everyone!

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I have to agree with Jake...

my interview was also my worst. I use to think panel is my strong point, esp after coming out of the UT panel earlier in feb. UO panel is kinda like a mix of panel and MMI. the question style i found were very similar to mmi questions, kind of out of the blue but you don't have 2 minutes to think. anyway i found 2/3 of my interviewers were nice and the third person,the 4th year student, never smiled the entire time even though i was smiling and making eye contact with all of them. she was also cutting me off a lot and trying to drive me directly to the answer and not allowing me to give my reasons.

finally, i didn't find the UO interview day setup was particularly friendly. i mean, coming from UO for undergrad, i wasn't very surprised at the way admin addressed students but i thought med students would be treated with a bit more dignity. anyway, maybe i was unlucky and interviewed on a bad day which directed me to have such negativity towards UO. overall though, i have to say UO is a solid school, it just didn't do a good job selling itself

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I thought the interview went okay. My panel was generally nice and not very confrontational, although they did ask me follow up questions and try to change the scenarios around. I guess mine wasn't as causal as what others had (no laughter/jokes...)


I really really hope it went well enough and that I left a strong impression. This was my only interview. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for May 5th. Good luck to everyone else too!

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I found the same thing as most of you, the interview was VERY relaxed and after I got in there and started talking, time just flew by. It basically started with them asking me to tell them about myself and I felt like I spoke for about half an hour on this question. It's always hard to gauge your impression on these people but I'm hoping for the best!


PS, Will we receive emails from both OMSAS and uOttawa on May 5th? I CANT WAIT GAHHHh

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