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No More Backpacks! :(

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Terrible news guys. I talked to an advisor at MD Financial today and apparently there won't be any med backpacks next year. Too much concern amongst faculty about sponsorship and ethics violations. Really sucks that this years incoming class has to go without. Maybe we could organize a group-buy amongst ourselves?

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Terrible news guys. I talked to an advisor at MD Financial today and apparently there won't be any med backpacks next year. Too much concern amongst faculty about sponsorship and ethics violations. Really sucks that this years incoming class has to go without. Maybe we could organize a group-buy amongst ourselves?


Really? Or is this some sort of cruel april fools joke :(

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Man, I never get the obsession with the backpacks. No offense to current U of C med students, but everyone around the campus except med students (and some of them I understand) think they look kinda douchey... I mean really, being a med student is a prestigious and difficult path that carries massive emotional and personal rewards once you get into it. Flaunting it just seems unnecessary.


Maybe not all schools have "MD" in big letters on their packs, I dunno.

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Man, I never get the obsession with the backpacks. No offense to current U of C med students, but everyone around the campus except med students (and some of them I understand) think they look kinda douchey... I mean really, being a med student is a prestigious and difficult path that carries massive emotional and personal rewards once you get into it. Flaunting it just seems unnecessary.


Maybe not all schools have "MD" in big letters on their packs, I dunno.


I've been using the same backpack for 7 years (true story). I just want something free :(

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I'm a poor student :( I can't do much about re-using things. But this backpack is a tank; I'm pretty sure I've used it for pretty much everything.


In addition, it's actually hard to tell that they are MD backpacks with the grey version. I didn't notice that there were so many med students around me until one day someone pointed it out and said "hey macbook, those are med students with the grey backpacks." So I think people actually don't know/don't care, providing better reason as to why we should get the backpack. And because they're free ;)

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Apparently growing concerns about pharmaceutical company influence in medical education are forcing faculty to consider banning all private sponsorship of school affiliated events. It seems kind of silly, since MD financial is owned by the CMA, but I guess they're just taking a strong stand.

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I'm a poor student :( I can't do much about re-using things. But this backpack is a tank; I'm pretty sure I've used it for pretty much everything.


In addition, it's actually hard to tell that they are MD backpacks with the grey version. I didn't notice that there were so many med students around me until one day someone pointed it out and said "hey macbook, those are med students with the grey backpacks." So I think people actually don't know/don't care, providing better reason as to why we should get the backpack. And because they're free ;)


You know you are on premed101 too much when your friends call you by your username, haha!

Just kidding mac, I am on here tons too, in fact way too much :P

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And I want the backpack. I like the idea of being able to spot fellow med students from my school and from schools across the country, it seems like it kind of unites us all. One big med student family who dresses alike! Doesn't that paint a pretty picture?

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I agree. I was having lunch in TO the other day, saw a girl with the backpack, and knew what year she was in. Would be a great conversation starter to see someone with your backpack colour and be able to strike up a conversation.


Not a huge deal in the end, but I still really hope we've been trolled... What are the odds someone on here is going to call MD Financial/the CMA on Monday to find out.

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You know you are on premed101 too much when your friends call you by your username, haha!

Just kidding mac, I am on here tons too, in fact way too much :P


LOL no I don't want to give up my name :) so I substituted it with my username.


But you made me laugh Jake :D


I really think we've been trolled. Someone should call, because if I get in the future I want my backpack >.> I just spotted a hole in my 7 year old bag that I've been using...

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