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Seats available

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I can't see that happening at all--if only for reasons of simple physical space.

So unless they build a new medschool building in time for 2013 or greatly increase capacity at Windsor, I can't see the spots increasing that much.


And it's not just classroom capacity, but clinical teaching capacity at the hospitals/clinics for 3rd and 4th years too.


Anyways, this is speculation on a rumour.

Maybe maodiddymao or rmorelan will have additional insights.


(and anyways, all this speculation should be meaningless to premeds. In the end, you still gotta work hard no matter what you think the odds are).

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I haven't heard this rumor but if it was at all plausible, I would assume they would be doubling their spaces for the satellite campus in Windsor.


yeah - there is simply 0 room for that at the london campus


Even the windsor site cannot double as they are over 50% capacity now.

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The only way I could see that happening is if there was another satellite campus in the works that nobody has heard of. Just looking at the number of seats available in both lecture rooms, which are pretty full assuming everybody shows up to class, will give us an idea of the maximum capacity of the medical school for the near future.

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The only way I could see that happening is if there was another satellite campus in the works that nobody has heard of. Just looking at the number of seats available in both lecture rooms, which are pretty full assuming everybody shows up to class, will give us an idea of the maximum capacity of the medical school for the near future.


yeah that isn't going to happen any time soon :) In the catch area for Western there doesn't seem to be another city able to support one more (?)


Also the studies on doctor shortages suggest that we won't need any more increases so I can't imagine why they would any more. In the long run we will have to drop the number of seats actually.

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