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So, interviews are over in Ontario?

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Congrats everyone! :)


I did some stalking (teehee) and I noticed that many people who have interviews at multiple OMSAS schools have one thing in common - Queens. Interesting I think.



regarding overlap - this is ambitious, and I'm way too lazy to do it - but theoretically we can create a shared doc (or google doc) that is shared between people thus creating a database (think excel sheet) of where people got interviews, IP or OOP, first choice, etc....


this could be useful to soothe the minds of those of us going crazy with speculation and stats.

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regarding overlap - this is ambitious, and I'm way too lazy to do it - but theoretically we can create a shared doc (or google doc) that is shared between people thus creating a database (think excel sheet) of where people got interviews, IP or OOP, first choice, etc....


this could be useful to soothe the minds of those of us going crazy with speculation and stats.


I dont think its going to help sooth our minds at all lol. Its just going to add to our anxiety.


OR, what we could do to ease our anxiety is post a whole bunch links to random funny stuff :).

For example, http://www.explosm.net/comics/2371/

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this could be useful to soothe the minds of those of us going crazy with speculation and stats.


Hey! Hey! Hey! :mad:


I take issue with that statement. Just because someone is speculating and performing statistical analysis does NOT mean they are going crazy. . .







On an unrelated note, I qualify as the person "going crazy with speculation and stats." :D:cool::D

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regarding overlap - this is ambitious, and I'm way too lazy to do it - but theoretically we can create a shared doc (or google doc) that is shared between people thus creating a database (think excel sheet) of where people got interviews, IP or OOP, first choice, etc....


this could be useful to soothe the minds of those of us going crazy with speculation and stats.


I wonder which schools would have the most overlap in pools. U of T and Queen's because of similar holistic approaches? Western and Mac because of high VR?

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Yay! Another cyanide and happiness fan :)

If we're offering funny comics to bide the time and procrastinate further from exams, might I suggest Scandinavia and the World? A comic based on anthropomorphication of countries based on their most common stereotypes...and they're all so cute!


Also, any get the feeling this will be the most unproductive exam season ever? It needs to be May...now.

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So, does she work at Jamba Juice or ebay? :confused: lol

Ugh, you ignorant pre-med... Jamba juice OWNS eBay. How can you not know that?! And that's J-A-M-B-A, with J as in...shoot...I got lost looking at Ryan in his little t-shirt...

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