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How will applying to degrees other than the MD affect my med school admission?

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So I'm determined to go to med school but if I don't get in, my plan is to do a master's and then reapply.

Would it affect my admission to medical school if I applied to MD and MSc at the same school?

Say, if I apply to U of T med school, and also apply to MSc of biology at U of T, is there a way for the med school admissions committee to know that?


The reason I'm asking this is because I am worried that the admissions committee might think that I haven't yet quite made up my mind about becoming a doctor.

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It will affect your application in no way. They have seperate admissions systems. It's realistic to have an alternate career choice, especially with medicine being so competitive. In fact interviewers will likely ask you what are you going to do if you don't get into med school as an interview question.

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So I'm determined to go to med school but if I don't get in, my plan is to do a master's and then reapply.

Would it affect my admission to medical school if I applied to MD and MSc at the same school?

Say, if I apply to U of T med school, and also apply to MSc of biology at U of T, is there a way for the med school admissions committee to know that?


The reason I'm asking this is because I am worried that the admissions committee might think that I haven't yet quite made up my mind about becoming a doctor.




yea. plus some people (i have NO IDEA why) apply to both dental and medical schools at the same time......

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I think Rice means if your not good enough for med, your probably not good enough for dent either. Dent is just as hard as med if not harder (dent focus more on marks, med more on ECs), either way one being the "backup" for another is probably not realistic... Unless you have killer GPA, but no ECs, in which case the dent interviewer could probably tell your introverted anyways...

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I have several overlapping MD and master's schools...no worries..no one knows..

master's programs send all their stuff through grad studies...

MD has their own committees and like others have said...I'm sure no one looks down upon you being realistic...end of day, just be able to justify it if it comes up during an interview (which never did for me)


So I'm determined to go to med school but if I don't get in, my plan is to do a master's and then reapply.

Would it affect my admission to medical school if I applied to MD and MSc at the same school?

Say, if I apply to U of T med school, and also apply to MSc of biology at U of T, is there a way for the med school admissions committee to know that?


The reason I'm asking this is because I am worried that the admissions committee might think that I haven't yet quite made up my mind about becoming a doctor.

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