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How do you deal with it?

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Hi everyone,


I'm new here. It's been really helpful reading everyone's comments on other posts and I've learned alot by lurking. :D


I'm in the early stages of this entire process and I just wanted to know how everyone on this site deals with rejection/failure. I've experienced it more times than I care to think about and I'm sure everyone else has too. How do you console yourself when you don't get that research position you were gunning for? Or when your friend lands an opportunity that you'd (figuratively) kill to get your hands on?


Pre-meds can be a very competitive bunch and I'd appreciate any coping methods you could share. :)



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Coping with rejection: Swearing a lot, complaining to my wife, trying again. In the immortal words of Commander Taggart, "Never give up, never surrender!" - but don't keep trying the same thing again and expecting different results. Keep working on improving what you apply with every year*.


Coping with the wait for answers: Refresh this forum as though it will somehow make time go faster.


Coping with friends doing better: Don't let it get to you. It's not a test of merit so much as a strange mix of luck and 'playing the game'. I have two friends who missed interviews this year who I personally think deserve it more than I do. It's just how the cookie crumbles, and I know they will get in eventually.


Coping with jerkish competitors: Laugh at them. People who can't see the goal for the competition will have problems in life.


*I feel a bit hypocritical writing this as I've only applied once so far, but I've been rejected from other things in the past. The same principle applies.

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Try not getting into medical school this cycle pre-interview, that can be pretty harsh.


But rejection is a part of life, as cheesy as that sounds. It's not something that is unique to anyone. And, with rejection and failure comes self-analysis which is such an important tool. Rejection is temporary, shrug off that feeling of "Ah, I suck..." or "I wish I was him/her." It doesn't help and it doesn't benefit you in the long run. Analyse what went wrong, how you can improve, and keep at it. That's key. And stay as positive as you can. The only person getting in your way is you, which also gives you the power to realize that you can better yourself in the future. When a team has a bad game, they regroup, and try their best to win the next one. If the moral is down, then it's harder to get back up and fight. If you can stay positive and keep your fighting spirit, you just keep at it whether it's trying to get a good mark, get a research job, get into medical school, or whatever obstacles you face in the future.


Good luck :)

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totally agree...

i was rejected by every school I applied to the first time around...it hurt a lot at the time but really, it's only a big deal (for me anyways) until the next "omg I can't handle this" situation arrives...


also...personally I didn't have a lot of issues hearing people get in when when mid may came around but a few of my friends said they were crying for a few days and felt really depressed...if that sounds like you, I would probably avoid facebook around mid may lol



Try not getting into medical school this cycle pre-interview, that can be pretty harsh.


But rejection is a part of life, as cheesy as that sounds. It's not something that is unique to anyone. And, with rejection and failure comes self-analysis which is such an important tool. Rejection is temporary, shrug off that feeling of "Ah, I suck..." or "I wish I was him/her." It doesn't help and it doesn't benefit you in the long run. Analyse what went wrong, how you can improve, and keep at it. That's key. And stay as positive as you can. The only person getting in your way is you, which also gives you the power to realize that you can better yourself in the future. When a team has a bad game, they regroup, and try their best to win the next one. If the moral is down, then it's harder to get back up and fight. If you can stay positive and keep your fighting spirit, you just keep at it whether it's trying to get a good mark, get a research job, get into medical school, or whatever obstacles you face in the future.


Good luck :)

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totally agree...

i was rejected by every school I applied to the first time around...it hurt a lot at the time but really, it's only a big deal (for me anyways) until the next "omg I can't handle this" situation arrives...


also...personally I didn't have a lot of issues hearing people get in when when mid may came around but a few of my friends said they were crying for a few days and felt really depressed...if that sounds like you, I would probably avoid facebook around mid may lol


Wow....thank god that I don't have that many premed friends anymore.


Sounds like having a good backup plan is always a great idea...research for me and keep trying again and again! :)

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a very simple process that's taken a long time and multiple failures to get to:


i say "whatever" to myself and that's that, then i try again if i still want to do whatever i failed in.


Hi everyone,


I'm new here. It's been really helpful reading everyone's comments on other posts and I've learned alot by lurking. :D


I'm in the early stages of this entire process and I just wanted to know how everyone on this site deals with rejection/failure. I've experienced it more times than I care to think about and I'm sure everyone else has too. How do you console yourself when you don't get that research position you were gunning for? Or when your friend lands an opportunity that you'd (figuratively) kill to get your hands on?


Pre-meds can be a very competitive bunch and I'd appreciate any coping methods you could share. :)



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I can completely relate. Trust me -- they don't all have it figured out as much as it seems. ;)

I didn't hang around any pre-meds for my first couple years of Uni. They still intimidate the crap out of me. Lucky for me, none of my friends were interested in medicine. I found this refreshing.

Continue to enjoy the other things you love -- don't make getting into medicine your whole world just yet... Wait until you're sitting around waiting for May 13 for that :P


I hope you're right! I'm actually really fortunate to have friends who are not taking science courses. It's nice to be able to have someone to vent to. I've found that many of the people in my classes don't want to interact unless it's absolutely necessary (like in labs). The general mentality seems to be "If, when it's all said and done, it comes down to you and me, it's gonna be me." And I get that. But it makes adjusting kind of difficult. I'm trying really hard not to want med too much because that's when I mess up. Hopefully, things will take a turn for the better.


Good luck to everyone who applied this year! Being a committed and helpful member of Premed101 should qualify as an EC activity.

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Wow, this thread makes me really glad I didn't go through undergrad with the goal of med school. It sounds like a harrowing experience.


PS: Lost&found, I actually used an internet forum as one of my Top5 activities on my UCalgary app :) I managed to get an interview so maybe it's worth considering! Mind you I owned and ran the forum, and it was 50k members, so bigger than this one... but an avid contributor here could probably spin involvement on premed101 into a nice sounding minor EC.

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Wow, this thread makes me really glad I didn't go through undergrad with the goal of med school. It sounds like a harrowing experience.


PS: Lost&found, I actually used an internet forum as one of my Top5 activities on my UCalgary app :) I managed to get an interview so maybe it's worth considering! Mind you I owned and ran the forum, and it was 50k members, so bigger than this one... but an avid contributor here could probably spin involvement on premed101 into a nice sounding minor EC.


Wow, that's a really interesting and different activity. Really shows that you can go above and beyond. I hope you don't mind me asking, what was the forum about? Just curious :)

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Wow, that's a really interesting and different activity. Really shows that you can go above and beyond. I hope you don't mind me asking, what was the forum about? Just curious :)


Amateur video game making. It was mostly a crowd of 15-18 year olds with a few college kids like me, fiddling around with making homebrew japanese-style RPGs. Cool? No. Did learn a ton from it though.

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you build a pretty thick skin, it also helps if you're not a gunner and want family or something


I've TA'ed pre-meds in first year physics for years, and some of them are still pretty intimidating. I can't imagine what it must be like to go through four years of school in classes full of them!
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Nah dude...I wish I was on that level. Just minor emulation stuff and hacking into games...


Probably ECs that people don't want to hear about, you know ;)


Well, if you have a reference for it you could spin it as amateur programming, but usually stuff like that doesn't have an adequate ref. I could only use my forum because I had a co-owner who I later sold it to in full.

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Well, if you have a reference for it you could spin it as amateur programming, but usually stuff like that doesn't have an adequate ref. I could only use my forum because I had a co-owner who I later sold it to in full.


That's okay :) I created quite a number of sites and blogs. I think it would be nice to have that, but regardless it's still fun and that's what matters to me :)

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