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failing the MMI

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Hi so I've read somewhere that if an applicant fails 3/11 MMI stations, then he/she is rejected.

my questions are:

1. what does it mean to "fail" a station?

2. is that the only criteria that determines whether the candidate gets rejected? esp for oop. i was looking at last year's stats: 49 interviewed, 39 accepted and 5 enrolled. for those 10 people that were rejected, did they all fail the mmi or does UMan also have a cutoff for the post-interview formula (40 MCAT, 45 MMI and 15 GPA)?


Thanks :)

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I think if you do something that is completely inappropriate or unethical, then you can "fail" a station. I've heard of someone who yelled at the interviewer and was asked to leave a room. That's a fail.


yell at the interviewer? ...that's kinda scary. but i'd think the criteria will be more difficult given the quality of applicants i saw during my interview date/circuit.

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It might be that no one failed, but they rejected applicants because they scored lower than others.


I would likely say that those people not accepted likely scored too poorly on the MMI to be considered acceptable for admissions. Just because an OOP gets an interview, doesn't mean they will automatically be given either acceptance or waitlist.


Having helped out with the Mocks this year, I certainly was able to tell strength in interviewing apart from all the interviewees I saw. Some were really excellent, some did OK, and some definitely needed some work. I'm sure they were all intelligent, but at the end of the day, given their scores/feedback as an ad com, I likely wouldn't have granted admission to a the ones who didn't do so well. Can't expect all the OOP's to be exceptional interviewees. That would be statistically significant!

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Also keep in mind that UofM has two other minimum interview score requirements that have to be met in order to be considered for admission:


1) Total MMI score > 2 standard deviations below the mean

2) Mean score acceptable to the Ad com. (changes year-to-year)


So you could potentially pass all 11 stations and still be cut...

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