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Socially Awkward People + dealing with conflict

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I wonder if there is a lot of socially awkward people in medical school, cause i know there is a quite a lot in undergrad. I would really like some advice on how to deal with these people, as I have already asked my parents and they themselves are not too sure what to do.


I already told my story of the premed crazy, if you haven't heard of it will be linked below. I meet so many weird people in university it isn't even funny.


I am living in an apartment style dorm, and there used to be this one kid that would walk into my apartment unannounced. I would be in the bathroom and then i would walk into my kitchen and SURPRISE there he was. Or he would keep on asking to use my kitchen, cause he liked mine better and then he would leave a mess or steal my dishes, WTF. I eventually told him to leave me alone.


There was this one kid on my floor from Kitchener, who was a totally different then most people. He would carry a fanny pack, wear a cowboy hat in the cafeteria, complain every night to the don that I my music was too loud (i am just using my macbook speakers), asked me to do a pull up contest, he just wouldn't leave me alone, or when i am chatting up a girl he would tap me on the shoulder and then run away. "do you know him?" no, lol


This one girl who kept on feeling my chest, even when I told her to leave me alone. I told her why i dont like her, and that she needs to leave me alone, but then she keeps on hitting on me. Then the next thing i see is her trying to become friends with my friends (i have a small group of like 5 close friends).



I dunno what is with these people but i like my personal space, what do i do with these ppl.



Premed Crazy


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Well, tolerance and flexibility is an important attribute. However, when they push your limits, you can simply tell them you don't appreciate it and if they can stop. There's not many socially awkward people in med. And the socially awakard ones are pretty integrated too because everyone else around them are very tolerant of unique personalities.

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Dude, here's my analysis for you. I don't know what year or university you're in, but I hope that this helps:


1) Crazy people are everywhere. You have to learn to be forward with telling them your social boundaries or that you're uncomfortable with their actions. The apartment dude you have to complain. The cowboy dude you have to really talk to him...but he's digging his own grave. Dont' worry so much.


2) You should have a fun night with that girl, provided that she's good looking. If she's good looking, why not? Count your blessings...


3) Disregard #2. I was kinda joking...if you're uncomfortable speak up and tell her.


4) Crazy people, are everywhere. Like I said in your other posts, even in med school you will have to deal with crazy people. What helps though is that you get a good laugh out of it, they usually screw up for you, and it's a lesson learned from bad example. Have your friends, and enjoy university life.


Also, please stop making new threads about the same topic...mod, can you accumulate his threads into one?

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I wonder if there is a lot of socially awkward people in medical school, cause i know there is a quite a lot in undergrad. I would really like some advice on how to deal with these people, as I have already asked my parents and they themselves are not too sure what to do.


I already told my story of the premed crazy, if you haven't heard of it will be linked below. I meet so many weird people in university it isn't even funny.


I am living in an apartment style dorm, and there used to be this one kid that would walk into my apartment unannounced. I would be in the bathroom and then i would walk into my kitchen and SURPRISE there he was. Or he would keep on asking to use my kitchen, cause he liked mine better and then he would leave a mess or steal my dishes, WTF. I eventually told him to leave me alone.


There was this one kid on my floor from Kitchener, who was a totally different then most people. He would carry a fanny pack, wear a cowboy hat in the cafeteria, complain every night to the don that I my music was too loud (i am just using my macbook speakers), asked me to do a pull up contest, he just wouldn't leave me alone, or when i am chatting up a girl he would tap me on the shoulder and then run away. "do you know him?" no, lol


This one girl who kept on feeling my chest, even when I told her to leave me alone. I told her why i dont like her, and that she needs to leave me alone, but then she keeps on hitting on me. Then the next thing i see is her trying to become friends with my friends (i have a small group of like 5 close friends).



I dunno what is with these people but i like my personal space, what do i do with these ppl.



Premed Crazy



you're just gonna have to deal, slide thief

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This one girl who kept on feeling my chest, even when I told her to leave me alone. I told her why i dont like her, and that she needs to leave me alone, but then she keeps on hitting on me. Then the next thing i see is her trying to become friends with my friends (i have a small group of like 5 close friends).




Ya must suck being hit on...


Weird people are everywhere just have to deal with it. Best thing you can do is be calm cool and collective and dont let your fustration get the best of you.

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Dude, here's my analysis for you. I don't know what year or university you're in, but I hope that this helps:


1) Crazy people are everywhere. You have to learn to be forward with telling them your social boundaries or that you're uncomfortable with their actions. The apartment dude you have to complain. The cowboy dude you have to really talk to him...but he's digging his own grave. Dont' worry so much.


2) You should have a fun night with that girl, provided that she's good looking. If she's good looking, why not? Count your blessings...


3) Disregard #2. I was kinda joking...if you're uncomfortable speak up and tell her.


4) Crazy people, are everywhere. Like I said in your other posts, even in med school you will have to deal with crazy people. What helps though is that you get a good laugh out of it, they usually screw up for you, and it's a lesson learned from bad example. Have your friends, and enjoy university life.


Also, please stop making new threads about the same topic...mod, can you accumulate his threads into one?


why do i have a feeling hes from waterloo......

well thats what my moneys on!

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Ya must suck being hit on...


Weird people are everywhere just have to deal with it. Best thing you can do is be calm cool and collective and dont let your fustration get the best of you.


how do you deal with these weird people

-passive aggressive

-direct contact

-authority figures


and for that girl hitting on me, she is just creepy and i have a girlfriend. who makes my bad days good and my good days even better.

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You deal through what works best for you. I think the best way is to start ignoring them, but remember to be cordial and polite nonetheless. One day some of these people may be your co-workers, teammates, or even more importantly, patients.


Ultimately, don't let it get to you. Become polite nonetheless, but minimize contact. If you're concerned about something, express it but do it diplomatically.

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This one girl who kept on feeling my chest, even when I told her to leave me alone. I told her why i dont like her, and that she needs to leave me alone, but then she keeps on hitting on me. Then the next thing i see is her trying to become friends with my friends (i have a small group of like 5 close friends).


so wait, who's the socially awkward one in this scenario??

jk jk

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most people are cool, but you'll find share of cooks, just ignore them + don't hang out with med students if you don't want to (keep a social life outside of medicine), or at least the non-normal ones if you get along with the cool ones ... no one sais you have to best buddies with everyone in your class, lots of people don't go to like any events, lol


I wonder if there is a lot of socially awkward people in medical school, cause i know there is a quite a lot in undergrad. I would really like some advice on how to deal with these people, as I have already asked my parents and they themselves are not too sure what to do.

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i think it is mostly the residence issue i am encoutering with all these cooks, with them living on the same floor as me. I am sure it will be better next year when i am living off residence, so i can get some privacy (my close friends, usually keep to theirselves, or we hang out by playing svideo games or sports) or i may even live in a single apartment

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